Are you in the mood… for some free food and Valentine’s related fun?
And not just pink, cutesy, couples-only Valentine’s fun. We’re talking raunchy, sexy Valentine’s Day, thanks to Club Zamana. Tonight at 8pm in the Satow Room in Lerner, there’ll be condom races (whatever those are), a special sex edition of Taboo, and best of all – the ultimate sexual tension game (in your childhood, you may have known it as Twister)!
So take a study break and indulge in the giggles, and what should be a wondrous assortment of Valentine’s related goodies.
@A condom race as it typically occurs, is a relay of sorts. Each team gets a banana (or, for the advanced race, some kind of a…model), and several condoms. The rest should be evident.
Bwog must have had one dry high school health class.
@This reminds me of a porno I once saw. It was hot.
@Free food? Strawberry shortcake for EVERYONE!
@wait... Can we acknowledge the awesomeness of the picture for this post???
I want a Twister-covered bedspread!!!
@born losers
@Surfin' UWS Why must Bwog remind me at every turn that I’m not getting any this semester?!
@also Take Back the Night is gonna be there too, to play a consent game and talk bout sex. Woo!
@did someone say sex? i would bang the club zamana president. hes cute. but how the fuck do you pronounce his name?
@I'm actually really glad an event like this is happening. Good for them.
@Yeah Z! Awesome club with awesome people. I can’t wait for Tamasha! Last year, I won a Starbucks gift card which paid for my ticket.
@because indians are horny DUH
@Why is every Club Zamana event sex-themed? Ugh!!! I’m so upset!
@why is every RA event sex-themed? I guess it reflects Cristen Kromme’s sexual frustrations, but come on.
@... this isn’t an RA event. it’s by Club Zamana, one of the south asian groups on campus…
@Well... There actually is a sex-themed RA event tonight in the LLC I think.
@... Cristen Kromm’s husband is a hotty.