If you’re reading this, you’re either done with finals (congrats!), or more than halfway to the end! Plus, Nature sent us a rainbow yesterday.
– Photo by Jay Chudow
If you’re reading this, you’re either done with finals (congrats!), or more than halfway to the end! Plus, Nature sent us a rainbow yesterday.
– Photo by Jay Chudow
@i wish i wish i could ‘like’ the comment above..
@somewhere over the rainbow way up high.
there’s a voice in my head going why oh why oh why
do i still have two finals left?????
@not to break the cheeriness, but some woman just passed out on college walk. lots of shrieking, etc. quite the scene.
@breaking news new provost! claude m steele of stanford.
@heathens you meant God. God sent us a rainbow.
Or Lucky the leprechaun. But mostly God.
@no, the flying spaghetti monster did.
@good choice! According to Columbia’s announcement, Steele is known for his research in social psychology, “including such issues as self-identity, group stereotypes and addictive behaviors.”
No wonder he’s coming to Columbia.
@bwog... provost We have one! http://columbiaspectator.com/2009/05/13/stanford-psychologist-claude-steele-named-21st-university-provost
@... the first rainbow over campus all year that wasn’t a queer balloon arch.
@haha lmao nice one
@b@b curse the rainbow which mocks me