@The Masked Roman We at the bwogsucks community agree that science is useless, especially to puppies, while theoretical particle physics and quantum biology is essential to being a good citizen of the United States of Columbia, the collegiate empire not the country taht is trying the extend its reach in Latin ‘Merica. Instead, we suggest that everyone buy a puppy and house it in theiir rooom to protest the inane pet policy at the War on Fun dormitories.
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@Anonymous why would you schedule an event in a freshman lounge at a time when half the freshman class is in an exam?
@yesss http://www.27bslash6.com/missy.html
@Anonymous I want my life to look like this poster!!
@I am impressed That is a fucking excellent poster.
@Anonymous hi where is the pug?
@THEY ARE NOT PUPPIES. WTF. The ones in JJ lounge are full grown dogs. I DEMAND PUPPIES. e
@I love These dogs
@praps strong font choices, yanyi!
@Anonymous the puppy coalition people are very special !!!!
Thank you in advance for making this day a great one for me.
@Anonymous OMG! I’M SO EXCITED! :)
@Fond of dogs much IM SO EXCITED MY THING IS RED
@More like Everything by Yanyi Everything.
@Anonymous Instead of cramming for FroSci, I will be petting puppies.
@CC12 You mean Frontiers? Just because it can be shortened, doesn’t mean it should.
@Anonymous What the hell is Frontiers?
@The only people who say FroSci are Bwog and Freshpeople
@Anonymous FroSci is like FroYo at John Jay
@CC'14 Isn’t “Frontiers” also short for the full name, “Frontiers of Science,” smart-ass senior?
@The Masked Roman We at the bwogsucks community agree that science is useless, especially to puppies, while theoretical particle physics and quantum biology is essential to being a good citizen of the United States of Columbia, the collegiate empire not the country taht is trying the extend its reach in Latin ‘Merica. Instead, we suggest that everyone buy a puppy and house it in theiir rooom to protest the inane pet policy at the War on Fun dormitories.