According to a press release sent to students this afternoon, Columbia’s Tom Harford has been appointed to the GS Dean of Students position. Harford has most recently served as the SCE’s associate dean of non-degree programs. He’ll be filling in the gap left behind from Scott Halvorson, who resigned this past May.
Harford will be taking on the official Dean title on September 15, according to GS Dean Awn’s announcement.
Press release:
Peter J. Awn, Columbia University School of General Studies dean, announced on Aug. 24 that Tom Harford, Ph.D., was appointed the GS dean of students. Harford will assume the dean of students position on Sept. 15.
“It is a privilege for me to welcome Tom Harford to the administrative team at the School of General Studies. Dr. Harford brings to GS a wealth of academic and administrative experience, as well as a passion for the Columbia University undergraduate program and the mission of GS,” said Awn in an email announcement to students and administrators.
As Dean of Students, Harford will oversee the Office of the Dean of Students operations and work closely with the GS advising team to enhance the undergraduate program and support of GS students. Harford will also work closely on all aspects of undergraduate academic affairs, academic support services and student life.
Harford, who holds a doctorate in medieval English literature from the CUNY Graduate Center, has more than 15 years of experience in student affairs and academic advising. Most recently, as Columbia University School of Continuing Education associate dean of non-degree programs, Harford oversaw a diverse portfolio of academic programs serving roughly 3,000 students, including Postbaccalaureate Studies, certificate programs, and summer sessions. During his tenure at SCE, he also implemented a number of vital services, designed a robust student affairs operation, and engaged in academic program development and implementation.
Prior to joining Columbia University, Harford held senior administrative positions in academic and student affairs at the City College of New York, where he also taught in the English and History departments.
@Anonymous GS—so underfunded their dean can’t even afford a chin.
@Anonymous I have known Dr. Harford for years, as I took classes through the School of Continuing Education after I graduated from GS. Dr. Harford will be the leadership GS has been lacking. I had a huge sigh of relief when I read it would be him taking over the vacant position. It won’t be difficult to surpass Dean Halvorson and “Acting Dean of Students” Leslie Limardo. General Studies will change forever, and for the better.
@Just Another GSer … sad… but so so true!!!
@Fuck Dean Halvorson
@Anonymous Dean Pelton?
@Anonymous GS? Big FUCKING Deal
@CC'14 Not everything in this world revolves around you and your college, loser. Last time I checked, this blog is for ALL Columbia undergrads.
Find some better ways to use your time, troll. You’re an embarrassment.
@Anonymous He sounds legit…..
@Anonymous An understudy from SCE is the answer to a Dean of Students office that’s down to three advisors and no events I can think of? Damn, damn, damn.
Does anyone know anything about this guy?
@Anonymous They have four, and are hiring two more. They have a ton of great events planned for orientation. Still not great, but…
@GS '12 #2 Problem is that after an initial flurry of activity, GS just shuts down in terms of services offered to its students. Even their Honor Society (about which they make a big deal at first), just disappears into zero-ness.
It is a shame that a school that charges full freight offers nothing in return.
@GS '12 I have met the guy and he is nice and competent in an understated way. If he can pull together the sad GS admin, it is a good thing.
But, along with all other things that GS “offers”, keep expectations low. We may be (surprisingly) pleased.
All of which raises the question once again, why isn’t GS just folded into CC, perhaps as a special program, a la Eli Whitney at Yale?