Luiza Diniz Vilanova (CC ‘24) becomes the first Brazilian citizen in history to be selected as a Rhodes Scholar. But with her, it is so much more than titles and academics.
The Barnard Consortium for Critical Interdisciplinary Studies will offer the possibility to minor or concentrate in Asian Diaspora and Asian American Studies starting in the spring.
Managing Editor Alison Hog finds community and love in the 13th Annual Morningside Lights.
On Monday, March 25, Barnard faculty will formally submit to the Barnard Committee on Instruction their proposal to establish an Asian Diaspora and Asian American Studies Program (ADAAS).
To celebrate Leap Day, Managing Editor Alison Hog attended a syllabus zine making workshop at the Barnard Zine Library, discovering that learning never ends.
Every student needs to take a Sociology class at least once in their college career.
This Wednesday, Managing Editor Alison Hog attended a conversation with award-winning author Hua Hsu as part of Columbia School of the Arts’ Nonfiction Dialogues series.
As classes come to an end, take a break from your studies to continue learning by exploring your interests outside the classroom. This week’s “Every Event On Campus” features the analysis of Guatemala’s political crisis, the annual Beyond Content lecture series, and the launch of a new series on social work and social movements.
Happy first week of December! This week’s events include a student-led panel on immigration advocacy, a panel on the Espionage Act, and a half-day workshop on storytelling in times of crisis.
With Thanksgiving break just around the corner, this edition of “Every Event On Campus” features a wide range of events happening only on the first day of the week. From a student project showcase to the launch of a special cybersecurity report, you’re in luck if this Monday you have free time on your hands.
This week, leading experts in several fields will arrive on campus to share their professional experiences and academic knowledge with students, from public education in NYC to the future of refugees and ways we can get involved.
Bwog hopes that this first break of the semester gives you the well-deserved rest you need. Feeling renewed after the break, don’t miss out on the multiple events taking place on campus, from a panel spotlighting food entrepreneurs to a mutual aid teach-in!
Time flies by and we often feel the urge to make the most of our days here. With a wide variety of events, from a conversation with Brazilian Ambassador Adalnio Senna to a discussion on the interplay between French urban space and sexuality, there is no better way to welcome November than to take advantage […]
Unfortunately, we all know it: midterms season is here. This time of the semester definitely gets busy, but luckily, if you are looking for a break from your studies, simply check out this week’s “Every Event on Campus” and find the event just for you!
This week’s “Every Event on Campus” is full of events delving into a wide range of political issues, from a bipartisan student debate to an international symposium on the aftermath of Latin American dictatorships. If you’re not particularly interested in politics, don’t fret; there are always other interesting events happening on campus!
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025