Bucket List represents the intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this sparsely populated reading week are below, with no specifically recommended events. If you notice any events that have been left off the list, […]
Every Tuesday Bwog brings you a recap of the previous night’s ECS meeting. Bureau Chief Finn Klauber recounts this week’s ESC meeting which covered a range of interesting topics, from the tax bill to home destruction. VP Policy, Zoha Qamar VP Qamar discussed the “wellness machines,” vending machines with health products such as emergency contraception, […]
Despite the short nature of this weeks ESC meeting and the fast approaching Thanksgiving break, Bureau Chief Finn Klauber does not disappoint with his report on this weeks happenings of the engineering community. President Aida Lu President Lu met with both Dean Brovman, SEAS Associate Dean for Undergraduate Student Affairs, and Scott Wright, Vice President for Campus Services. The […]
Once again, ESC has shut out both Bureau Chief Finn Klauber and his Spec counterpart from observing their “off the record” discussion. In the “public” meeting, however, ESC met with the Morocco division of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) and discussed funding issue. Also there was a cappella drama, but what else is new. President Aida […]
Each week, rain or shine, healthy or sick, snow or drought, ESC Bureau Chief Finn Klauber reports on Engineer Student Council’s activities. For the first time in multiple weeks, ESC actually had an open discussion section—and, boy, was it a doozy. As most people at Columbia are aware, Lerner Hall experienced a number of protests […]
As every week, Bureau Chief (and Internal Editor) Finn Klauber reports on the activities and goings-on of the Engineering Student Council. Not much has changed since last week, so get ready for Update Mania 2: ESC Boogaloo. Just as in last week’s ESC meeting, the discussion section of last night’s ESC session was deemed “off the […]
Every Tuesday Bwog brings you a recap of the previous night’s Engineering Student Council (ECS) meeting. Bureau Chief Finn Klauber recounts this week’s ESC meeting which covered a range of topics, from increasing student-faculty interaction to the scheduling of midterms. Seeing how Engineering Student Council blocked off an entire discussion section for a ~private~ discussion—which is the third […]
Bureau Chief Finn Klauber covered this week’s ESC meeting which focused on the SEAS drop deadline, F@CU, JCCC, and more. If you weren’t able to make the meeting or view the livestream, here’s what you missed: The SEAS Drop Deadline The brunt of ESC’s (on the record) discussion concerned the late date of the SEAS drop deadline. The […]
Look, we know you think you don’t need any absolution for the various things you got up to this weekend. Whether you were drinking champagne at a frat party or blazing in Brooklyn, there are definitely things you need to get off your chest. Sorta like going to confession. We were going to put in […]
Every Tuesday, Bwog presents a recap of the Engineering Student Council (ESC) meeting from the day before. ESC Bureau Chief Finn Klauber recounts this week’s meeting, wherein ESC debates the ways in which it can preserve its institutional memory for future council members. Click below to read about other updates in ESC. In the wake of the Engineering […]
Most of last night’s Engineering Student Council meeting consisted of discussions regarding resolutions, goals, and plans initiated at the end of last year or during the Summer. Of particular interest were informal resolutions on logistical changes and Fall elections. And, of course, ESC Bureau Chief Finn Klauber was back on hand to cover everything that […]
A team of five sophomores from Columbia College and the School of Engineering and Applied Science is currently on course to endow the entrances to Butler 209 with bidirectional movement sensors to collect data for Seatz, a new Columbia Libraries seat-tracking app. An older app, CU Density, utilized WiFi data via campus routers to estimate the […]
This week’s ESC meeting focused on getting others involved in the Mental Health Task Force and collaborating with CCSC in the future. Oh, and we’re all hoping for JJ’s milkshakes. Note (April 26, 2017): In a previous version of this article, specific references were made to the efforts of CC University Senator Sean Ryan under the influence of […]
In another foray into theatre, Internal Editor Finn Klauber attended the performance of three one-act plays written by playwright Edward Albee. Through the absurdity and confusion, he managed to pick up on some essential thematic substance at the core of performance. At no point in the CU Players production of “Both Houses, a Plague” did […]
Large portions of this meeting consisted of discussion regarding expectations and crowdsourced guidelines for ESC member behaviour. However, the brunt of the discourse last night was in reference to the Physics TA incident which occurred a couple of weeks ago. Sensitivity Training and the Physics TA Incident About one and a half weeks ago, we […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025