A gem hidden in plain sight, the renovated Lerner elevators are the ideal housing in this New York summer heat. Equipped with air conditioning, mobility, and a dedication to minimalist design, these new elevators are worth every time we had to take the stairs due to “modernization.” Location: 2920 Broadway, on 115th & accessible from […]
If you are someone who was not at 1020 last night (or maybe you are someone who was and are just very into those sweet deals), you are probably someone who woke up early for the EcoReps Green Sale. Senior Staff Writer Idris O’Neill is dedicated to making your voices heard and your grievances noted. This is an ode […]
Every August, Bwog takes a minute to reflect on the cool (and sometimes not-so-cool) places we’ve lived over the summer before we all return to Morningside Heights for the fall. Houses And Homes asks: where did you spend your time and what does home mean to you this summer? Idris O’Neill is kicking off this […]
Bwogline: A livery cab crashed into a New York deli, reportedly causing a total of six hospitalizations,, three of which with serious but non-threatening injuries. In this yellow cab town, you never know what to expect, but this is why we take Uber, guys. (CBS) Study Tip: Today is the last day of finals! If you’re still revising […]
In an effort to raise funding to hire copy editors, Bwog is cashing in on everyone who has ever crossed us. Based on empirical information we have gathered in totally legit practices, Bwog has decided to file suit against Beta because damn, how many people have to fall down your stairs before you fix them? I’ve never […]
Bwogline: The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences announced that it has recently expelled Roman Polanski and Bill Cosby from the Academy. Following Harvey Weinstein’s expulsion in October, the Academy came under fire for not previously condemning Roman Polanski. Cosby’s expulsion comes following last week’s guilty verdict on three accounts of aggravated indecent assault. (CNN) […]
Happening in the World: The new royal baby has been named Louis Arthur Charles, a huge shock to everyone who didn’t know the Duchess of Cambridge was pregnant again. Prince Louis is fifth in the line of succession after his sister Charlotte thanks to the 2013 Succession to the Crown Act, which protected women’s claim to […]
Happening in the World: Eight police officers in Argentina were dismissed after claiming the 540 kilograms of marijuana missing from a police warehouse were eaten by mice. Forensics experts disputed the claim, stating that the large consumption of weed would have resulted in a lot more dead mice. The warehouse may be housing mice, but the […]
Inspired by Margaret Wise Brown’s best-selling children’s book Goodnight Moon, Friday Daily Editor and former associate of men Idris O’Neill has a message for all those Columbia boys in language they’ll understand. In the great Ivy school There were some frats And male feminists And a guy overheard With proud sexist prejudice And there were three sports teams sitting […]
Happening in the World: Demonstrators have apparently been leaving dead bodies outside of the UN headquarters in the Central African Republic. The bodies allegedly belonged to victims of UN violence, but the UN denies any involvement, simply stating that the bodies are part of propaganda. (BBC) Happening in the US: In case you’ve forgotten, Flint, Michigan still does […]
Happening in the World: Scientists have recently discovered black holes manifested in the center of our galaxy, surrounding other black holes. Columbia’s very own astrophysicist Chuck Hailey published these findings, calling the presence of multiple black holes a “party.” Clearly, astrophysicists don’t need million dollar telescopes to find out bad things manifest around other bad things – just […]
Bwog forced Friday Daily Editor Idris O’Neill to read 1,000 of those fake script memes during housing season. Here’s what happened. INT. FERRIS BOOTH – MIDDAY A crowded scene, loud rambling. ED SHEERAN’s “Photograph” is playing from downstairs, but just out of earshot. The COLUMBIA HEAVYWEIGHT CREW TEAM is taking up too many tables. Next […]
Happening in the World: During Tuesday’s preliminary World Cup game between France and Russia in St. Petersburg, Black players were targeted by fans with jeering and ape noises. It is the third occurrence at the St. Peterburg Stadium. FIFA is currently investigating the incident alongside the Fare Network, an organization dedicated to investigating racism in the European […]
Lucky Barnard juniors with good lottery numbers, read ahead for what your future may hold in Sulz Tower. Location: 3009 Broadway (the Barnard Quad) Nearby dorms: All the dorms in the Barnard Quad (Sulz-Reid, Sulz proper, Brooks, and Hewitt), along with the 600s and Columbia dorms Furnald and Schapiro if you’re feeling adventurous. Stores and restaurants: the 116th […]
Barnard accepted 1,088 students into the class of 2022 out of 7,897 applications, a 35.5 percent increase in applicants within the last four years. As the applicant pool rises, Barnard’s admittance rate has also lowered to 13.7 percent, the lowest in College history. The applicant pool remains diverse, with students from all 50 states, including Puerto Rico, the Virgin […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025