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Wien Lounge Free brunch for EC &  Wien residents! There will be homemade pumpkin pancakes, homemade pumpkin butter, apple cider, coffee, and other breakfast foods cooked by the RA’s. It’s first come first serve, so come early!
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Spoiler Alert?

A Bwog tipster stepped out onto the doorstep of River this morning to find this rather damaged copy of a Damages shooting script nestled among some dead leaves. Welcome to New York, where even our litter is kind of glamorous.
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Bwog sat down with the latest Columbian to make the rest of his class look bad. All-Amur’can Raphael Graybill (CC ’10) of Great Falls, Montana has recently been awarded the 2010 Marshall Scholarship. Each year, the prestigious award is granted to up to 40 American students of “high ability” to pursue graduate studies in the […]
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Every play ever produced has been showing this weekend and last.  Bwog’s Anish Bramhandkar checks out the latest offering from the CU Players, Dirty Hands. There’s no way around it.  Dirty Hands, Jean-Paul Sartre’s post-war political drama, is very long.  At the end of the two-and-a-half hour play, you’ve enjoyed yourself but find yourself wishing […]
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Broadway Gets Legal

Damages, the acclaimed FX drama, will be squatting on Broadway between 113th and 114th (give or take) until around 10pm this evening.  Liz Naiden, Chief of all things “Revered and Reviled,” managed to sneak a glimpse of the production trailers, and found labels including “The Clown Room” and “Future Boss Players.”  Plot guesses, anyone?
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Break out the cheap wine and hors d’oeuvres: there’s an art installation on your Metrocard. (NY Times) Mayor Bloomberg makes a $125 million impulse buy. (NY Daily News) Hipsters are arrested in Williamsburg for their overzealous labeling (and drug possession). (The Brooklyn Paper) The Department of Transportation says it’s “Gridlock Alert” Day; thanks, but we already […]
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If you happened to take your eyes off your iPhone as you were trotting down College Walk this evening, you may have noticed an ominous orange glow emanating from Low: Fear not — Low has not become a factory for Fear and Strange Smoke (at least, not any more than usual).  It’s the annual Alexander […]
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The Hapa Club will be hosting their grandly named “Fusion Party” tonight at 7:00 PM in Lerner C555.  For only $5, you’ll have the chance to sample a variety of ethnic foods prepared by the Culinary Society and cheer on Dhoom and Orisha as they perform. Afterward, head to Lehman Auditorium in Altschul at 8:00 […]
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Make the most of your time in the city before heading home for some family time and too much stuffing. Friday 28 Hours of Innovative Art – marathon of performers, featuring musicians and dancers, hosted by Arts for Art Clemente Solo Velez Cultural Center, 107 Suffolk St, between Rivington and Delancy 6 pm – midnight […]
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A fascinating, if one-sided, account of Columbia’s labor relations. You want to change the popular image of fraternities, you say?  Bwog suggests you stop the 3:00 AM screamfests. Fusion for fusion’s sake is sacrilege. Yes, people are still making mixtapes.  On CD’s. Even art students can study abroad.  But be warned: the Mona Lisa is […]
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Overheard on a Schapiro Elevator: Two women step inside and press the button labeled “PH.” Woman A: “What do you think PH stands for?” Woman B: “I don’t know. [Ph]aculty House?” Woman A: “Oh yeah.”
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
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The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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