Staff Writer Luken Sloan reports his thoughts and the winners of the annual Philolexian Society Joyce Kilmer Memorial Bad Poetry Contest.
Bwog presents the winners of the Philolexian Society’s 24th Annual Alfred Joyce Kilmer Memorial Bad Poetry Contest. We hear it was positively painful to your ears. Winner: “Balloon Boy by Philip Glass” by Edward Rueda (CC’05), with Everett Patterson (CC’06), 2009 Kilmer Laureate 1st Runner-Up: “Ballad of the Frozen Heart” by Laura Baur-Jaronowski (CC’06) 2nd […]
The Hapa Club will be hosting their grandly named “Fusion Party” tonight at 7:00 PM in Lerner C555. For only $5, you’ll have the chance to sample a variety of ethnic foods prepared by the Culinary Society and cheer on Dhoom and Orisha as they perform. Afterward, head to Lehman Auditorium in Altschul at 8:00 […]
The Philolexian Society’s 21st Annual Alfred Joyce Kilmer Memorial Bad Poetry Contest announced their winners! The winning poem goes to “Psalm” by Yonah Lemonik, CC ’08 and the first runner’s up goes to “Leftovers” by Jonah Bloch-Johnson CC ’08 (as “Phillip Hutchinson”) and Phyllis Ma CC ’09. Since Bwog is in the mood for wishing hearty […]
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