Shout out to all of you taking Lit Hum and CC tests today. Good luck! You can do it. Bwogline: Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce Beyonce. (iTunes, LATimes, YouTube, BuzzFeed, Beyonce, True Love all to the tune of Versace) Finals Tip: If it’s consumed in the library/within two hours of a final/out of a ramen cup, […]
Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, has died of cancer. Will Dennis Rodman attend the funeral? (CNN) Batman’s gained a few pounds, but he’s not in some Italian café—he’s fighting crime in England. (Yahoo!) Adderall is powerful but bad, mmmkay? (NY Times) Did your name affect you getting into another Blue Ivy? (Gawker) The nation shall […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
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