On this fine October afternoon, Bwogger Joe Milholland treks across campus to a spicy USenate meeting, in which everything from low income students to transgender rights were discussed. PrezBo On Rules Administrator In University Life Rather Than Provost’s Office “Within the administration, this was a completely obvious decision,” said PrezBo at this Friday’s University Senate […]
Governor of Rhode Island Lincoln Chafee came to speak to Columbia’s student body of poly-sci/econ joint majors, and political junkie Christina Clark was there to check it out. One of events hosted by Columbia’s Voting Week was a conversation on Wednesday titled “Dilemmas of Campaigning and Governing in the United States”. Governor Lincoln Chafee of […]
This past week, leaders from around the world gathered on campus at The World Leader’s Forum. From Tunisia to Sweden, world leaders opened a forum for discussion on a range of topics relevant across countries. Global guru Henry Litwhiler relays his experience at one of the forums below. Even the most unobservant readers will have […]
Bwog is always ready to listen to anyone’s grievances. Wannabe malcontent Britt Fossum attended an impromptu meeting of CUCR that was held in place of the cancelled board meeting. Currently, SGB and CUCR are holding a town hall. The official Sunday night board meeting of the Columbia University College Republicans was postponed and then cancelled entirely […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025