Still in bed, recovering from the various formals of the past couple of nights? Whether it was DG or Theta or Sig Chi or Beta (or none of them–we at Bwog have spent the last few nights at a booth at 1020), try to power through your hangover this morning and prepare a little for […]
Bwog is still in bed, but won’t be for much longer. To those poor souls who won’t be out of finals until 10:00 tonight: we’ve stood by you as long as we can, but it’s time to pack up and go home. Maybe after just a few more moments under these warm covers… In the […]
Whether you’ve already fled Morningside Heights for the next month or you have a couple more exams left, Bwog is definitely still in bed. Bwogline: The last episode of The Colbert Report airs tomorrow evening–check out this article that details how Colbert’s show began and speculates about how it may end. (New York Times) Study Tip: Treat yourself. No, […]
Bwog is struggling to wake up without a 9 AM final as motivation, so here’s some good news and tips for the day to get you out of bed and help you truly have a good morning. Bwogline: Elizabeth Warren is leading a coalition of senators demanding the Department of Health and Human Services to […]
If you haven’t had a final yet, we know today is the day to end all days. No need for Bwog is take up the limited space you’ve allotted in your mind to read words outside of those on your exam and your scribbled “essay” response in your Blue Book – we’re downsizing to Bwog […]
It’s officially Sunday, which means you should probably put down the tequila and pick up those books! Or you can pick up the tequila and put down the books. It’s really your choice. Just have fun! Bwogline: To the dismay of horny women and men everywhere, Andrew Garfield could be replaced as Spider Man according to leaked emails between Sony and Marvel. (IGN News) […]
It’s Saturday. The eye of the storm. Whether you plan to relax or to amp up your study regimen, you’re in as much of a mood to read Bwoglines as Bwog is to write them properly. Just stay a moment and take in the cream of the crop, and we’ll have you on your way. Bwogline: The […]
We typically start our mornings with coffee as dark as our souls and some light Bwoglines, but who can manage that during finals? We have exams to take, mornings to sleep in, and trips to Butler to procrastinate. Bwogline: Congress has just passed a bill that will allow $1.1 trillion in spending…amid rancor in the House. (The […]
You don’t have time to read a full Bwoglines; Bwog doesn’t have time to write a full Bwoglines. Slack this morning with a Bwog in Bed secure in the knowledge that there is no judgment here, only commiseration. Bwogline: Last night, Columbia men’s basketball took on Kentucky, number one in the country. And it forced Kentucky to […]
Now that it’s reading week, we’re transitioning from Bwoglines to Bwog In Bed. Are you really spending these next couple of days studying, or are you just listening to Drake and drinking wine in your room? Let us know in the comments! Bwogline: You’ve all probably read Le Petit Prince, whether in English as a child or […]
Bwogline: PhD researchers at Columbia have created a way to run iPhone apps on Android phones. Finals Tip: Every time you don’t know the answer to a question, pick your nose. If the test is really hard, you will give yourself a bloody nose and have an excuse to re-take it later. Procrastinate: Does victory […]
You’re almost there: the light at the end of the tunnel. Yeah it’s a cliche, but we’ve already turned in all our papers so we don’t care. Anyway, keep your head held high and keep pushing through till the end. You’ve made it this far already, and Bwog believes in you! Bwogline: Literally everyone and […]
Look, the endpoint is in sight. Dorm rooms are emptying of the hipster junk you thought would look cool but ended up just taking up space. Stress and sleep deprivation have blanketed a calm over the campus. Focus, and you’ll be able to endure. Try studying in one of those lesser known libraries that probably […]
The weekend is gone and you probably didn’t get anything done. That’s okay. Now it’s time to buckle down and get this over with. Just remember: it’s the last Monday of the semester! You can do it! Bwog believes in you! Bwogline: Austria’s Conchita Wurst won the Eurovision Song Contest yesterday. And now you’re going […]
Sunday? It’s Sunday? That means tomorrow is… Monday! AHHHHHHH!!! The best thing you can do right now is stay in bed and pretend this isn’t happening. That’s Bwog’s strategy, anyway. Bwogline: Michael Sam became the first openly gay player to be drafted in the NFL yesterday. If he can play, he can play! (NY Daily […]
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