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Posts Tagged with "Bwog reviews theatre"

Last night, Bwogger and wannabe theatre critic Levi Cohen braved the chilly autumn night to get to the Lenfest Center for the Arts. His purpose? To watch the opening of the first thesis of the Directing MFA Class of 2019: LORDES, directed by Katherine Wilkinson, written by Wilkinson & Gethsemane Herron-Coward, and produced by Elana Boulos. The play […]

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Bwogger and Shakespeare fanatic Levi Cohen made his way to the Lenfest Center for the Arts to watch the opening of the last of the theses of the Directing MFA Class of 2018: Shakespeare’s Richard III, directed by Nana Dakin and produced by Paloma Estévez. The play runs through March 31st, with two shows on […]

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Champion of the arts and drama devotee Ross Chapman bravely surrendered his Friday night to a viewing of CMTS’s “The Drowsy Chaperone”—all for you, dear reader. After our talks with members of the Columbia Musical Theatre Society, The Drowsy Chaperone seemed like a great way to spend a Friday evening. A well-sized crowd in Roone […]

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For today’s riveting review, theatre critic Hannah Kramer brings you her thoughts on King’s Crowd Shakespeare Troupe’s performance of The Importance of Being Earnest. Do you know what is a really funny word that more people should definitely work into daily life? ‘Bunbury’, or the verb ‘bunburying’. Maybe not, since it seems to mean lying about having a […]

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