Another Sunday night, another four hour meeting. If you couldn’t make it to CCSC last night (and who can blame you), here are the pertinent details from the slogfest, courtesy of Monday meme Nadra Rahman. Every spring we look forward to un-tarped lawns, eau de mulch in the air, and…constitutional review? This year, CCSC’s constitutional […]
Constitutional review: a dirty but necessary businesses. Get in the thick of it alongside Satow Room reporter Nadra Rahman and a few dedicated visitors from CUAD. The Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) was knee-high in constitutional review last night, debating the elimination of current positions, the creation of new of new ones, and in general, […]
Last night’s CCSC meeting was a merciful two hours, but a bit disjointed. Here are the latest deets from the Satow Room, courtesy of Bureau Chief Nadra Rahman. The Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) had two things on its plate last night: the General Studies Student Council (GSSC) resolution on providing GS students with swipe […]
Last night’s CCSC meeting saw debate over extremely crucial student matters: whether or not to eliminate certain positions (including the ever-controversial Sandwich Ambassador.) Bureau Chief Joe Milholland covered the meeting, but if you want even more CCSC with your CCSC, you can view the stream of the meeting here. The Uneliminated Positions Despite heated debate, […]
Ben Makansi may have live-streamed the CCSC meeting last night, but Bureau Chief Joe Milholland was right up near the action, dutifully reporting on the council’s decisions and deliberations. This week, those decisions and deliberations include a CASV petition, constitution edits, and, yes, more of that goddamn statue. At Sunday night’s Columbia College Student Council […]
GSSC was understandably consumed by basketball mania last night (s/o to a sports team that doesn’t suck!), but they managed to cram a lot of important information into the thirty minutes that they convened. Seasoned operative Romane Thomas reports back with everything you need to know about the election, upcoming gala, and fun events. Yesterday […]
Huzzah huzzah to constitutional review! Review of last night’s constitutional review brought to you by Joe Milholland. It’s constitutional review season at the Columbia College Student Council! Groups of council members have been reviewing their constitution, and they presented some of the major areas of review on Sunday night. However, the council only gave input […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025