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Posts Tagged with "global core"

Last night’s CCSC meeting saw debate over extremely crucial student matters: whether or not to eliminate certain positions (including the ever-controversial Sandwich Ambassador.) Bureau Chief Joe Milholland covered the meeting, but if you want even more CCSC with your CCSC, you can view the stream of the meeting here. The Uneliminated Positions Despite heated debate, […]

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Don’t worry, loyal base of commenters and trolls alike, your recognition during the new year and semester wasn’t limited to our birthday post. We are forever grateful to the aesthetic you add to the Bwog experience (re: our attempt at flyering this semester) and are here to present you with some of the best comments your […]

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In AskBwog, we tackle hard hitting issues facing American teens today. Dear Bwog editors, Class registration for Fall 2012 is fast-approaching (scary!), and I need to take a global core class. I’m writing you for help picking a class, and also because I’m sure many other CC students would appreciate Bwog’s input as well. I […]

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To further his ongoing efforts to reach out to students and increase transparency in the wake of Moodygate, interim Dean Valentini held a town hall last night. Deantini held the court in the oaken glory of Havemeyer 309, where he’s given countless lectures and even once had one burst out in song. Seasoned Town Haller Conor Skelding sat in. Over […]

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In honor of the newly appointed Du Family Professor of Chinese Culture, Wei Shang, a reception and faculty panel discussion was held Monday night in the lovely Casa Italiana. Global canapés expert Olivia Mann stopped by for the shrimp and cultural discourse. The night kicked off with Professor Shang asking several faculty members to present […]

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Alan Brinkley is the most popular Columbia professor on Facebook. Columbia is trying to “ameliorate” tensions with the community. Columbia gets amazing athletic recruits, who eat McDonald’s every day, wear jeans so tight that their legs atrophy and smoke clove cigarettes.  Statisticians: Here are all the sexy details about the rigorous lottery.  Pity the first-year […]

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Bwog’s received a copy of the list of courses that will count toward the Global Core requirement. The class list still isn’t on the Core website, but thanks to one anxious senior/Bwog staffer, we’re able to reproduce it after the jump for you. Remember: the 12s must complete two courses from this list, while for […]

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After picking up on the vaguely changed Major Cultures requirement last week, we inquired with the good folks at the Committee on the Core to figure out what exactly we have to do to get this one out of the way.  Profs. Patricia Grieve and Roosevelt Montas (the subject of an interesting profile here) had […]

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Remember all that yelling last fall about changing the Major Cultures requirement? About how it was going to change into a seminar using $50 million from the endowment? Well, the requirement has changed for the class of 2012, according to a bulletin from the Core office — but Bwog isn’t actually sure how different it […]

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