The Columbia University College Republicans invited “Never Trumper” Bill Kristol, former editor-at-large of The Weekly Standard, to campus last night. Senior Staff Writer Abby Rubel attended the talk, whose topics ranged from an analysis of the 2016 election to the future of the Republican Party.
Deputy Editor Zack Abrams was present last night at CUCR’s latest speaker event, a debate between conservative pundit Ann Coulter and political blogger Mickey Kaus, moderated by TV showrunner Rob Long. The Columbia University College Republicans had promised an exciting debate between Ann Coulter and blogger Mickey Kaus. What we got, however, was two friends debating […]
Back in the Satow Room, B-w-o-g-g-e-r Nadra Rahman reports on the salacious goings-on of our student government. This meeting ended 10 minutes early. With nothing to vote on, CCSC resorted to discussing upcoming events (Staff Appreciation Week!) and policy changes. And yet, we’re not sure if anything substantive emerged. Security And Facilities Fund Much ado has […]
CCSC keeps drinking haterade, and Bwogger Nadra Rahman is here to give you some secondhand hydration. And yup, there are CUCR updates. CCSC returned to its regular programming last night (after a particularly spicy meeting two weeks ago), with the bulk of the meeting time focused on the student advising system. But before that, members […]
Yesterday evening Bwog received copies of two letters written by Columbia faculty members, in support of students disciplined for protesting the Columbia University College Republicans (CUCR) Tommy Robinson event on October 10. The letters are the latest in a range of efforts by students to defend themselves from what they view as unfair disciplinary action for a […]
Students and city residents protested a Columbia University College Republicans event tonight featuring alt-right leader and Pizzagate conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich, culminating in the alleged arrest of a student protester. This event follows a similar talk by Tommy Robinson, which was met with protests for which several students are now facing disciplinary action. Hosted by […]
It’s the return of three hour CCSC meetings! Bwogger Nadra Rahman reports on Republicans, retorts, and well-meaning reports. Oh, and there are a few updates on Lerner space. The Columbia University College Republicans (CUCR) have come under fire this semester, drawing attention for hosting white nationalist Tommy Robinson at a heavily-protested campus event, and for planning […]
Nineteen Columbia students have collectively released a statement of defense to Columbia administrators, who are currently disciplining the students for their protests of white nationalist Tommy Robinson speaking at a CUCR-sponsored event. Sixteen of the 19 students are still undergoing investigation for their alleged misconduct, and are, according to one member, currently stuck in a “disciplinary purgatory.” […]
Some students who participated in the protest last week at Lerner are being threatened by members of Columbia administration with possible disciplinary action such as expulsion and suspension. The students were protesting Columbia University College Republicans’ event for which they hosted British speaker Tommy Robinson. Robinson is known for his fascist and white supremacist ideologies […]
At 8 pm tonight, the Tommy Robinson talk organized by CUCR began in Roone Arledge Auditorium. Tommy Robinson is the founder of the right-wing English Defense League, and is widely considered to be a white supremacist. He was expected to speak about “Europe and mass immigration.” Protests began over an hour before the event started, with students […]
Update, 4:23 pm: Executive Vice President for Student Life Suzanne Goldberg released a statement via email to the Columbia community outlining that the University must, as a matter of learning and teaching, host speakers “whose views conflict so directly with our institutional values.” The full text is available beneath the jump. — Tonight at 8 pm […]
While the country gets daily news updates on the consequences of last Election Day via Donald Trump’s Twitter, New Yorkers will go to the polls next Election Day for the mayoral election. And while De Blasio faces federal inquiries on the path to reelection, the Columbia University College Republicans hosted the Republican Mayoral Debate on […]
This past weekend, the United States has celebrated Hollywood and film at the 89th Academy Awards. Moonlight, La La Land, Hidden Figures, Lion, and other films were celebrated by the Academy. This year, Hollywood celebrated diversity through thought, creativity, and color. Hollywood still has to make significant changes in order to make creative opportunities more […]
Earlier this evening, Bwog received a tip from a “concerned student” about an upcoming speech by Tommy Robinson to the Columbia Republicans. Here’s what we know about Robinson and why the Republicans want him to speak. “Tommy Robinson” (born Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, who also goes by the name Andrew McMaster and Paul Harris) is a former […]
Thirteen years after the attacks of 9/11, the Columbia University College Republicans have once again set up American flags along the grass on College Walk. The 2,997 flags commemorate the lives lost during 9/11. CUCR was spotted last night setting up the flags early to be present for the entire day.
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025