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Posts Tagged with "engineering student council"

Engineering Student Council met last night for a very brief meeting, hoping that all the council members could spend their valuable time on the midterms preceding Spring Break. Compared to the explosive and controversial CCSC meeting on Sunday, ESC focused on pushing through a few constitutional changes and a continuing resolution.

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Yesterday evening, Engineering Student Council met for the first live-streamed meeting of the semester. Punctuated as it was with small reminders or instructions on correct ways to engage in the meeting, the majority of the session dealt with a proposal originating in Columbia College Student Council and broached by VP for Campus Services Scott Wright in […]

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ESC master Finn Klauber covers the final meeting of the semester this week! Professional Development and Hunger Awareness Week ESC met for the final time this semester last night in their old haunt on Lerner 5. Once again ESC had a brief discussion on the Professional Development and Leadership programs, which aim to provide fun […]

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Engineering Student Council met for a very, very brief session last night. President Ria Garg made sure to note how ESC’s attendance policies are being stretched by council members, something with which the E-Board will have to deal. Minor Updates: Tree Lighting is this Thursday, from 5:00 to 7:30. There will be free food and […]

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ESC specialist Finn Klauber went back to ESC for another one of their meetings. Here is his recap:  Engineering Student Council met for a mercifully short session last night in the hopes of conserving midterm study time. An ad hoc discussion topic bookended a short roundup of updates. Losing Track of Bias An email sent […]

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As every week, Bwog’s dedicated and experienced Engineering Student Council Bureau Chief Finn Klauber reports everything going on in SEAS student government. At the ESC meeting last night in the Satow Room, the Council covered some basic updates followed by discussions on the creation of an Ecology minor and a proposed mental health statement. Cultivating […]

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ESC began last night’s discussion in reverse order, starting with a discussion section on new orientation programs. The idea is to provide “tracks” of events to “help students adjust to college much better and help students find community on campus much easier,” just as pre-orientation programs do. These programs would take place, at least initially, after […]

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Filling in for Bwog’s Engineering Student Council Bureau Chief Finn Klauber this week is Senior Staff Writer Levi Cohen, here to give you the skinny on what the SEAS student government is up to. This week in the Lerner Satow Room: the recently-elected freshmen took their seats at the table, meetings were recapped, and events were […]

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As every week, Bwog’s dedicated and experienced Engineering Student Council Bureau Chief Finn Klauber reports everything going on in SEAS student government. This week there are mold problems, Oktoberfest, and basketball-related free tuition. ESC met last night to give a round robin-style slew of updates. Luckily for your humble correspondent, this meant that the ESC meeting […]

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ESC talked about Community Guidelines, goals for the year, and more at last night’s meeting. After 2019 President Izzet Kebudi gave a quick update on “Lerner Central”—the “study-free zones” (one and a half years in the making) which now take up the space formerly occupied by the East and West Ramp rooms—the Engineering Student Council ran […]

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Every Tuesday, Bwog presents a recap of the Engineering Student Council (ESC) meeting from the day before. ESC Bureau Chief Finn Klauber recounts this week’s meeting, where ESC discusses what’s new for the new academic year and meets with the Columbia Food Pantry. The Engineering Student Council (ESC) met for its inaugural session last night […]

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