Despite the short nature of this weeks ESC meeting and the fast approaching Thanksgiving break, Bureau Chief Finn Klauber does not disappoint with his report on this weeks happenings of the engineering community. President Aida Lu President Lu met with both Dean Brovman, SEAS Associate Dean for Undergraduate Student Affairs, and Scott Wright, Vice President for Campus Services. The […]
Once again, ESC has shut out both Bureau Chief Finn Klauber and his Spec counterpart from observing their “off the record” discussion. In the “public” meeting, however, ESC met with the Morocco division of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) and discussed funding issue. Also there was a cappella drama, but what else is new. President Aida […]
Each week, rain or shine, healthy or sick, snow or drought, ESC Bureau Chief Finn Klauber reports on Engineer Student Council’s activities. For the first time in multiple weeks, ESC actually had an open discussion section—and, boy, was it a doozy. As most people at Columbia are aware, Lerner Hall experienced a number of protests […]
Every Tuesday Bwog brings you a recap of the previous night’s Engineering Student Council (ECS) meeting. Bureau Chief Finn Klauber recounts this week’s ESC meeting which covered a range of topics, from increasing student-faculty interaction to the scheduling of midterms. Seeing how Engineering Student Council blocked off an entire discussion section for a ~private~ discussion—which is the third […]
Bureau Chief Finn Klauber covered this week’s ESC meeting which focused on the SEAS drop deadline, F@CU, JCCC, and more. If you weren’t able to make the meeting or view the livestream, here’s what you missed: The SEAS Drop Deadline The brunt of ESC’s (on the record) discussion concerned the late date of the SEAS drop deadline. The […]
Every Tuesday, Bwog presents a recap of the Engineering Student Council (ESC) meeting from the day before. ESC Bureau Chief Finn Klauber recounts this week’s meeting, wherein ESC debates the ways in which it can preserve its institutional memory for future council members. Click below to read about other updates in ESC. In the wake of the Engineering […]
This week’s ESC meeting focused on getting others involved in the Mental Health Task Force and collaborating with CCSC in the future. Oh, and we’re all hoping for JJ’s milkshakes. Note (April 26, 2017): In a previous version of this article, specific references were made to the efforts of CC University Senator Sean Ryan under the influence of […]
This week’s ESC meeting was a little uneventful. The current council members shared event updates and touched upon the lack of funding from other student groups. The final moments of the meeting touched upon some successful initiatives during this past year. Yesterday evening, Engineering Student Council met for one final melancholic meeting with the current council’s members. […]
The discussion on GS swipe access continued at this week’s ESC meeting. ESC has proposed to reconfigure several unused spaces that can be utilized by student groups on campus. The penultimate meeting of Engineering Student Council was punctuated by intermittent reminders of the upcoming transition in council members. The main topic of discussion at this […]
ESC continues to fight the good fight with trying to change the finals schedule, 3-2 student housing, and COÖP. Students have also petitioned to expand representation of the African American and Latino communities. After first referencing the tensions apparent in the last meeting, including “tones, faces made, [and] laughter that went on,” President Neha Jain reflected that the […]
This week’s ESC meeting took time to debate GS swipe access to dorms and other Columbia undergraduate buildings. GS students’ restricted access has affected their participation in events and club meetings. ESC is trying to take action to give GS students swipe access. The Forward Swipe Access Update And Resolution The main topic of discussion […]
Yesterday’s meeting of Engineering Student Council only entertained about half of the voting representatives, as the other half were, presumably, intensely studying for midterms this week. As such, Engineering Student Council Bureau Chief Finn Klauber only covers the few scant topics that were touched upon last night. New NoCo Study Space The discussion topic of the […]
This week, ESC mainly touched upon ensuring the mental and physical health of Columbia students. Some changes have been proposed to benefit students such as having JJ’s open for 22 hours a day and creating mental health workshops for ESC. Due to the input in this week’s meeting, it is expected that positive change will result […]
This week’s ESC meeting mainly focused on the council’s participation with administration to address the recent mental health crisis at Columbia. Discussions regarding the proper use of Columbia club bank accounts were also mentioned. During yesterday’s Engineering Student Council (ESC) meeting, Executive President Neha Jain announced that the E-Board would be meeting with a number […]
This week’s ESC meeting was a continuation of last week’s discussion that attempted to find ways to alleviate the stress of Columbia students. While the Columbia Administration acknowledged the Executive Vice President Sidney Perkins ideas, it remains uncertain if the administration will take student proposals into consideration. Yesterday’s weekly meeting of the Engineering Student Council […]
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