Strange things happen in Frontiers of Science. Today, in the spirit of the Biodiversity section of the class, five avid pupils decided to dress up in animal costumes for class. Our wildlife photographer captured images of several giraffes, an owl and a dinosaur. One of the perpetrators said of their bold statement, “We’re biodiverse!” Clearly […]
Wondering what Professor Emyln Hughes does when he’s not creating mass amounts of Froscanity? So were we. We heard that Hughes and a team of undergrads traveled to Europe to film a documentary about nuclear energy while Hughes worked at CERN, so we sent our expert on all things Froscane, Sarah Thompson, to investigate the […]
With all the fuss and media attention going on around Emlyn Hughes this week, frustrated Frontiersman Alexander Pines thought he deserved to be defended. Here’s the result: I’ll be frank, Frontiers of Science is a bullshit course. Instead of providing an in-depth exploration of one or two key topics in modern scientific study, it seeks […]
After Emlyn Hughes’ cryptic stunt during last week’s Frontiers of Science lecture and the hullabaloo that followed, of course everyone was looking forward to today’s lecture. Our sources hinted that it would be even crazier than last week’s. An e-mail was sent out to those in the class also announced that “due to recent media attention,” they […]
In the media coverage still focusing on Monday’s Froscanity, cartoonists at the New York Daily News are now depicting their version of the episode. We think cartoon Dr. Hughes looks pretty good in the nude, but he’s not wearing a g-string for us to tuck our $45,000 checks into. Cartoon from the New York Daily News
Whoa, guys, Columbia just now became famous! So what will this do to next year’s admissions?! (WSJ, Gothamist, DNAinfo, Huff Post, Terra, Fox, Daily Mail, ABC, TIME) In real other news: China keeps trying to hack us. Hey, pick on someone your own size! (WSJ) The Supreme Court will hear a case on limiting campaign contributions. […]
Yesterday, Professor Hughes began Frontiers of Science’s three-lecture physics unit by playing Lil Wayne, changing clothes on stage, and displaying 9/11 and Nazi Germany footage. Various news outlets (Slate, TIME, NY Daily News) have picked up the story, and here is some of the known coverage for today: Fox News’s The Five at 5 pm […]
If you think Frontiers of Science is a boring, useless class, think again—the Core’s most infamous class went wild today. According to our reports, the first class of the physics unit was running a bit late when the lights went out. When they came back on, professor Emlyn Hughes was in the spotlight. Then Snoop […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025