Victoria Wills takes you inside the world of the vagina at The Vagina Monologues… I distinctly remember the first time I heard mention of The Vagina Monologues. “Vagina!?” I inwardly exclaimed, my twelve-year old mind reeling. “As in… vaginas?” My second thought: “How do vaginas monologue?” Throughout most of my adolescence, The Vagina Monologues remained […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025