On Monday, faculty gathered for a midday picket and rally while both the University and the Union expressed frustration at stagnant negotiations in the final full week of the Fall 2021 semester.
On Wednesday, October 27, a walkout organized by the Student Workers of Columbia in anticipation of their November 3 strike deadline culminated in protestors entering President Bollinger’s “Freedom of Speech and Press” class, forcing its cancellation.
At 9 pm during Thursday’s Town Hall, the Student Workers of Columbia revealed that a vast majority of voters chose to give the Bargaining Committee the authority to leverage a strike in contract negotiations with the University.
Today at 9 am, members of the Student Workers of Columbia began voting on whether their Bargaining Committee should have the authority to call for a strike if they deem it necessary to further negotiations for a still non-existent contract with the University.
As Fall 2021 gets underway, the Student Workers of Columbia (previously the GWC-UAW) are gearing up for further bargaining with the University and potential strike action to gain a satisfactory contract.
After over two years of negotiations, the GWC-UAW Local 2110 bargaining committee and University officials have created a draft for Columbia’s first graduate worker contract.
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