Deputy Editor Lillian Rountree, Deputy Events Editor Grace Fitzgerald-Diaz, and SGA Bureau Chief Grace Novarr spoke with the three dissenting members of the GWC-UAW Bargaining Committee following the announcement of the tentative contract rejection and the entire committee’s joint resignation.
In a close vote, graduate student workers have decided against the proposed contract from the bargaining committee and the University.
The Graduate Workers of Columbia (GWC-UAW) has accepted the University’s offer of mediation in exchange for a pause of the current strike, as stated in an update to their website on the evening of Friday, April 2.
This morning, Interim Provost Ira Katznelson updated the community on the University’s perspective and proposals regarding the ongoing graduate student strike. The union, the GWC-UAW, calls it a “step in the right direction,” but demands further assurances of neutrality in the process.
The Graduate Workers of Columbia have officially begun their strike for a fair contract with the University after weeks of unsuccessful bargaining, meaning thousands of graduate workers will cease all instruction, research, and communication through University platforms.
CCSC gets down to business, but is still riding high from that Homecoming win. Football-averse Bwogger Nadra Rahman is here with the scoop, including the latest updates on the GWC unionization saga. The meeting began with a rousing round of applause, honoring the Lions’ implausible, gratifying victory in their Homecoming game this weekend. After the “5-0” […]
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