And he seems to love gin just as much as we do! International has extended its weekend hours. Behold:
In Roomhopping, Bwog indulges its everlasting dream to host an HGTV show. Aesthetics Aficionado Whitney Wei reports. If you think your swanky pad is worthy of being hopped, email us at with photographic proof. “We wanted to make it homey and not a jail cell,” reflected Jordan Sholem, BC ’15, as her roommate, Chloe […]
Hey you! We know procrastinating on Bwog is fun and all, but some things are more important. Like, you know, meeting your dean (chatting with him via Bwog comments, while awesome, isn’t quite the same). Scurry over to Havemeyer 309 at 8 pm, and check out a moderated Q&A with the newly-monikered Deantini. Audience members will […]
It seems like just yesterday that 2015 ED got sent out. Hell, it seems like just yesterday our decisions got mailed out. But it isn’t! Today the Deciders of Fates at Admissions mailed 2015 Regular Decision responses. Nail biting ensues. The admissions people filed solemnly out of Hamilton, placing box after box (after box!) into […]
In case you haven’t noticed, Bwog is kinda a fan of NoCo, a.k.a. the Northwest Corner Building. Check out some photos of our beloved building!
In this latest installment of tales from homeville, we hear from two corners of the US: Idaho and Florida. Varsity rowing correspondent Sylvie Krekow writes from Sun Valley, and enviably tan correspondent Lily Icangelo reports from Lake Worth. As always, you’re more than welcome to send in your own dispatches via Sun Valley, Idaho […]
Not everyone is deterred by our delinquency! According to Spec, Dean Jessica Marinaccio, Decider of Fates, reported that the admissions office received a whopping 34,587 regular-decision apps this year. Following a record number of early applicants, that makes an overall 32% increase from last year in total applications to Columbia. Marinaccio announced in March that […]
Halp! More numbers! Some fun facts about this year’s crop of CC/SEAS Early Decision applicants: Columbia received a total of 3,229 Early Decision applications this year (final after adjustments) 632 students, or 19.57% of the ED pool, were admitted 696 students, or 21.55% of the ED pool, were deferred to the Regular Decision pool ED […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025