Earlier today, Mayor Michael Bloomberg appeared on The John Gambling Show to offer his opinion on, among other things, the controversy surrounding ROTC at Columbia. He seemed disappointed upon hearing that veteran Anthony Maschek was heckled at last week’s town hall. After an audible sigh, he waxed philosophic on college kids, explaining that “a lot of […]
The Northwest Corner Building is officially a thing! Rumor has it, the fancy uber high-tech new café opening Monday will serve Joe Coffee and use iPad cash registers. Oh yeah and yesterday it hosted Bloomberg. Alex Jones was there! Mayor Michael Bloomberg visited the “Northwest Corner interdisciplinary research building” yesterday morning to announce a new environmental […]
Pedagogy pundit Peter Krawczyk attended “Urban Education Summit: Innovations in K-12” in Low this morning to hear Major Bloomberg assess the state of public education in New York and urge international education reps to do some shopping. As the approximately 1.1 million students in the New York City public school system began school on Thursday […]
The first tuition hike of the new year has arrived: Princeton announced a 3.3% bump yesterday. (NYT) Three bus lines slated to cease overnight service–the crosstown M66, M79, and M96–will continue to run through the wee hours. So that’s nice. (NYPost) The Milsteins are everywhere! The family, long a Butler staple, will lend their name […]
The city elections wrapped up with a surprisingly small winning margin for Mike Bloomberg. Democrats took pretty much everything else in the city, while Republicans snagged two gubernatorial seats nationwide. (NY Times) Around 5:30AM yesterday a now identified NYU junior jumped to his death in Bobst Library. The library was reopened and tours resumed around […]
New Yorkers miss the pre-Giuliani Manhattan so much, they’re actually paying for their share of urban flair (Gothamist). Sure, our economic prowess is draining away, but Americans are faster than ever! Take that, India and China (HuffPo). Despite narrowing polls, it looks like Bloomberg’s reign will continue (NY1). One Brooklyn custody battle is the stuff […]
Queens seizes the chance to tear down a Great White Oak older than Columbus before tree-hugging hipsters make Astoria the new Williamsburg (NYT). The football team learns to protect their balls (Spec). New York Senators side with Obama and want Bloomberg out (NY1). Empty pockets force Columbia to abandon its dreams of conquering Morningside (Spec). Yarmulkes come […]
Columbia’s Low Rotunda played host yesterday to a couple of really nice chaps—the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, and our very own big-wig, Mike Bloomberg. Before saying anything else about the World Leaders Forum, what the mayors said, how they said it, and what they meant, it is crucial that you know two things. […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
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