Remember how Deantini always gives that speech about Columbia’s official color, Pantone 292, and what it means to the Columbia community? That might be built on lies. Columbia University’s official style guide when it comes to logos, blue290, says that our school’s color is… well, Pantone 290. But take a look at that color on […]
While Butler reeks of stress and procrastination (and also genuine butt), CUMB has perfumed our moods with some comedic relief by releasing some of the second round of Orgo Night posters. There is a notable absence of highly offensive jokes–are CUMB and controversy on a hiatus? Regardless, we’re sure they’ll be back together this Thursday at 11:59 […]
Michael Sam, a defensive lineman at the University of Missouri who is expected to be an early pick in the N.F.L. draft came out to the news media. If he’s drafted he’ll be the first openly gay athlete to play in American professional sports. (NYT) What great artists need is rigorous solitude. Don’t we all? […]
Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
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