There was no spring break on the campaign trail, so White House Bureau Chief Jim Downie is here to fill you in on what you may have missed during the brief academic hiatus. Your faithful blogger returns from a relatively relaxing and sleep-filled Spring Break (including watching the very good John Adams miniseries on HBO), […]
Our White House Correspondent Jim Downie on the latest political happenings on the internet, the campaign trail, and beyond. Also: 2nd consecutive SNL takedown. Enjoy the show. Your faithful blogger has always been happy that his last name has been spelled “Downie,” rather than such crasser versions as “Downey,” “Downi,” or “Downy” (though the last […]
Bwog’s 2008 Election Correspondent Jim Downie is back with a very special Wednesday edition of Political Weekly. Your faithful blogger writes this at 2:30 AM for two reasons: first, because the final results in Texas are taking forever to come through, preventing a more prompt summary, and second, because he’s dedicated to you, the readers. […]
2008 is Bwog’s first Presidential election year ever, so we’ve asked resident political junkie Jim Downie to write a weekly column summarizing, analyzing and sometimes mocking the past week in national politics. Political Weekly will run on Mondays, Obama, McCain, Huckabee and Clinton will run all year long. So why does Bwog feel you need […]
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
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December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024