The only man to hold a degree in enigmatology (study of puzzles) makes sure you have a new puzzle in the New York Times every day. (The Atlantic) Joan Snitzer, a Barnard art prof, opened up a new art exhibition. It contains jigsaw boxes, and is itself is a puzzle. (Spectator) The high school class […]
Today, Finn Vigeland, CC’14, has his crossword puzzle published in the New York Times. He uses a pen, never a pencil, to do puzzles. “If you can’t do it in pen,” he told Bwog, “don’t do the puzzle.” Bwog chatted with Finn about the art of the crossword and how he finally got published. Every […]
Unscramble the answers to the following crossword clues to find common Columbia phrases, people, and places. If you want to procrastinate more, read the rest of the September issue of The Blue and White on Bwog. A. Llooks llike a camel: _ _ _ _ _ Most popular salad dressing in the U.S.: _ _ […]
The NFL, it seems, knows something about Columbia football that the rest of us don’t. Despite Bwog’s (and most everyone else’s) expectations of our football program, our varsity quarterback has proved himself worthy of the majors. Senior Craig Hormann has been signed to the Cincinnati Bengals Cleveland Browns. Though he went unpicked in the draft, […]
Behind the jump is what you’ve all been waiting for– the answers to the last two Bluebook crossword puzzles in all their corny glory. Enjoy, and stop pestering the alias.
Jester prankster Alex Weinberg, who may or may not be making this all up, documents what happens when you win at puzzling. UPDATE, 12:07 PM: Additional photographical evidence has been located! The cryptic ThemEarthMeteors puzzles began to pop up again this spring, stapled in dramatic “M’s” along bulletin boards in Mudd and on the semi-permanent […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
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