Hear ye, hear ye, undergraduate engineers. If you’d like to have some sort of a voice in the search for an engineering school dean or just solace in this great hour of deanflux, go to the Davis Auditorium in Schapiro CEPSR this afternoon for the SEAS Dean’s Search Town Hall. From 4 to 5 pm the selection […]
Nearly 100 students, workers, and organizers crammed into the Ella Weed Room in Milbank on Monday night to learn about the recent struggles of the members of Local 2110 UAW at Barnard. Roberta Barnett and Maud Rozee bore witness to this educational endeavor. Since May, Barnard’s office workers have been fighting to keep essential benefits, […]
The authorities are mobilizing. Kristen Sylvester, Associate Director of the Office of Residential Programs sent out the following email earlier today: Dear East Campus Residents, I hope this message finds you well in full swing of the semester. I am writing to clarify the smoking policy as it relates to East Campus, specifically our courtyard. […]
Barnard’s administration held a “town hall” meeting of the strong and the beautiful last night to discuss recognition of sororities. Bwog was there. Barnard’s Town Hall meeting on Greek Life recognition and funding drew ten full tables worth of of letter-sporting sorority girls from Barnard and Columbia, SGA members, and a sprinkling of administrators and […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
February 21, 2025Freshpeople Housing Review 2022: Wallach
February 20, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2019: John Jay Hall
February 20, 2025Hate Letter: “Midterms”
February 20, 2025