Feeling in the mood to procrastinate? Fill out CCSC’s amazing surveys and forms to help them do their job better and to make COVID Columbia as tailored to your needs as possible!
For most of us, tomorrow marks the end of midterm season! Now that our living nightmares are over, let’s pop open a bottle of champagne, and reflect on the types of midterms that we’ve encountered this season. Here, Bwogger Alex Tang documents the different types of midterms you may have taken recently. The Anti-Midterm Open […]
It’s almost over! Breathe in deep, pant between pushes, and you’ll be done before you know it. For those of you who are already done with finals: we hate you. Don’t talk to us. Please get into your big blue bin and roll down Broadway. To the rest of you: stay strong. Bwogline: It could be worse! […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
February 21, 2025Freshpeople Housing Review 2022: Wallach
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February 20, 2025Hate Letter: “Midterms”
February 20, 2025