Moooornin y’all, A+ work on getting Beta shut down before midnight. The war on fun: it’s real! Now get some coffee, pancakes, and ginger ale and get ready for more activities. Today’s Highlights: Charting the Course (BC), 9:30-11 am, Held Lecture Hall/304 Barnard Hall. Learn how to learn. Being a Transfer Student at Barnard, 10 […]
Melissa Smey, director of the Arts Initiative and Miller Theatre, just sent an email to everyone on the CUArts listserv announcing forthcoming changes to the Arts Initiative. The changes, made in response to the “Save the Arts Initiative” campaign, come just 2 days after Prezbo told a fireside chat audience that he was looking into […]
Tonight, GSSC passed a resolution and SGB issued a statement calling on the administration to “Save the Arts Initiative.” SGA, ESC, and CCSC have already passed similar resolutions (and ABC issued a similar statement), while over 1,200 students and alums have individually signed a similar petition. All of the resolutions, statements, and petitions call on […]
A petition calling on Columbia students to “save the arts initiative” has been signed over 1,000 times. Clearly, many people believe the Arts Initiative is trouble. But Melissa Smey—the current director of both Miller Theatre and the Arts Initiative—is, perhaps unsurprisingly, not one of them. She just sent us a statement highlighting the continuing accomplishments […]
If you missed out on Wavves, not to fear. Baccha-groupie Alexandra Svokos investigated a permanent on-campus wave breaking in our very own Furnald Hall. In an unprecedented event, this is the second RoomHop of Will Hughes, CC ’13. “There’s a Benjamin Moore on 103rd and Broadway that I was told not to return to,” Will […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025