Dateline: Teacher’s College. In what is tentatively being dubbed the “2008 Madonna Constantine Plagiarism Incident Slash Witch Hunt Slash General Racism Shitshow”, the Times is starting the morning off by informing us that Professor Constantine will be keeping her job. The New Republic takes a surprisingly un-touchy-feely position and, frankly, goes on a bit of a rant. In the Sun, find a defense from two of her students.

Bringing up the rear, the Post puts the word “noose” in scare quotes, although all those photos were enough to convince Bwog that the noose did, at least, physically exist. However, they also took the time to track down one of her alleged victims, Christine Yeh, now teaching at the University of San Francisco since a 2006 departure from Columbia.

According to a TC spokesperson, the details of Professor Constantine’s punishment are not public.