Finally, white smoke! After much deliberation, Bwog’s Halloween Conclave has named Rick Betita and his “Clippy, the Paper Clip from Microsoft Word” costume the winner of Bwog’s Annual Halloween Costume Contest. Rick will be getting a surprise candy bar some time in the next six months. Happy Halloween, all.
@K, classicist I’m almost positive that the first word should be “ΟΠΩΣ”, which with “ΑΔ means something like “may…” or “as…”. I’ve never seen the word “ΟΓΩΣ” in my life.
It should read something like “May you (plural) save our friendship”
If you’re interested in the breakdown:
-ΥΜΕΙΣ: “you” 2nd person plural, nominative, the subject here
-ΔΙΑΣÎΙΖΗΤΕ: “to save” 2nd person, plural, present, subjunctive, active
-ΑÎ: particle that tells you a lot about the sentence construction
-ΤΗΠΗΜΕΤΕΡΑΠΦΙΛΙΑÎ: accusative 3rd person singular, φιλιαν could be the noun “friendship” or the female form of the noun “friend” and I’m going to assume that it means “friendship” here.
@K, classicist Since this mystery was preferable than doing any real work…I searched the text in TLG and found it in 181c of Plato’s Laches (greek with english on right is on perseus:
@I dunno It’s all Greek to me.
PS brilliant costume
@thanks being trying to get a good translation of that for a while. my other friend also thought the first word is a typo, but i’m pretty sure the error is on the fireplace itself, and not my copy of it.
@haha that is brilliant, I love it.
give it a go greek scholars.
@2102 that is preeeeetty classic
@Yet another I can see “humeis kai ten”: “you”, nominative plural, “and”, a basic conjunction, and an accusative feminine singular definite article.
Which makes great sense out of context.
@lazy classicist uhh, all I can see is “kai” which means and
@seth davidovits PEE ON ME..NOWWWWW RICK
@Varun hahahahahah amazing!
@rick is the coolest person I know. Awesome costume!!
@yobwog what does that greek text mean on the fireplace? it would make a cool story!
@i've actually tried to get some people that know greek to translate it, and they have all been like, i think there are some spelling errors.
@that is excellent!
@Charlotte what a fantastic costume!!!! i love it!!!!
@aww clippy (not rick) been hitting the ganj a little hard lately?.