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Posts Tagged with "halloween costumes"

Get ready for a whirlwind Halloweekend in the big apple with advice from upperclassmen, from East Campus party hopping to creative costume tips. Stay warm in a coat, save on costume accessories, and reconsider those pricey frat Halloween events for a memorable and budget-friendly Halloween in New York City.

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Still looking for a unique Halloween costume that your friends definitely haven’t already thought of? Look no further.

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If you need help deciding what to dress up as this year, I have some ideas for you.

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Written by Idris O’Neill, BC ’21 Year after year, we see the same slew of hastily thrown together, tired frat boy costumes and lazily constructed black cat outfits with makeup borrowed from your suitemate. It’s time to throw away your prop red solo cup, pastel shorts, and backwards caps and really step your game up. […]

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After much deliberation, Bwog has decided upon the winner of this year’s costume contest.   The lineup is: First Place: Margaret Thatcher Meryl Streep has never looked so good.

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I bet you’re wondering how Bwog knew about your plans to break curfew. Well, we heard it through the grapevine, along with these upcoming events from the TIC office. Campus Events: CUP’s A Bright Room Called Day. Friday and Saturday at 8 pm.$5 CUID. ShakeShorts-ShortShakes. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 8 pm. Free. Dance Marathon Halloween Party. […]

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Hailing from round the map and all along the wealth spectrum, our contestants from Argentina, Wall Street and the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros bring you another mixed bag of costumes. Keep sending ’em in. Results are later this evening!

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The academic calendar gods may not have blessed us with a Halloweekend this year, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it up style. That’s right, tonight marks the start of Bwog’s fifth annual costume contest, and we want to see your best. Whether you’re doing something Core-inspired, politically-motivated, or just deliciously clever, we want to see […]

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Here are our final contestants! We’ll be choosing a winner in the next day or two; help us out (without being a dick!) in the comments.

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Send us a picture of your Halloween costume by midnight-ish tonight for free beer and candy. Send to!

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When you were in middle school, Halloween was a time for wholesome, all-American fun. You probably went trick-or-treating around your neighborhood or marched in the costume parade around your school gym. But you’re in college now, and costumes aren’t like they were in the days of your youth. Upholding a longstanding Bwog tradition, Hannah Goldstein […]

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