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@lol he’s eating a tomato
@ahem tomahto.
@what is the value of this post? I am going to die in like eighty years.
@racism youre racist
@don't worry The nuclear war will get us all in 2012. Until then, enjoy the slow and certain death of the universe!
@Anonymous More like 55
@Squirrel Delicious delicious squirrel.
@Anonymous ^^^ Mercer…..
i want to know the exact point at which the tomato becomes squirrel.
@anonymous it’s in section 22, but using bread and blood instead of tomato and squirrel
@Aquinas What happens to the substantial form of that tomato once its matter has been digested by the squirrel?
@Anonymous Would this be considered an example of a squirrel being a ‘good’ squirrel and striving toward complete squirrel-ness?
@Anonymous My love for Christia Mercer is fanatical and undying
@every time i see a squirrel... it makes me think of Brad Sullivan.
@It's a squirrel! A squirrel eating! ZOMG!
@look it’s a squirrel
@WOW I’ve never seen one of these before!
@who left flowers on furnald lawn?