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Posts Tagged with "Bwog is a Naturalist"

Yesterday afternoon, a small green bird infiltrated the 11th floor of Wien and try to update his/her Twitter status on an unsuspecting upperclassmen’s Macbook Pro. This is only the latest in a series of animal incursions into our purportedly urban habitat. You may recall last year’s bats in Hartley and squirrels in Claremont. Maybe they are trying to […]

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This Saturday, Bwog embarked on an adventure through New York’s most exciting jungle, Central Park. And we didn’t just look at the foliage—we ate it! Bwog participated in an urban foraging tour led by famed naturalist “Wildman” Steve Brill. Bottom line is, if you enter “wildman” into Google, his name comes up first. Update: Watch […]

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Spot the Difference

Remember Where’s Waldo? That was fun. Things have gotten even sillier! In each of these photos there is something that shouldn’t be there…

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While the lucky among us are having either stressful finals sex, or fuck-it-I’m-graduating-and-I-ain’t-doing-it-a-virgin sex, our noble collegiate mascots have their own erotic story of deprivation and degradation to tell. An anonymous author shares the first part of this Bwog-exclusive series. There will be flirting, foreplay, sex, and hopefully playful “experimentation” between roommates. But before you send this […]

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Okay so you’re basically not allowed on campus again until after graduation, and now you’re all mopey because Snoop is gone from your life and you have nine papers due tomorrow. Good news, friends! Snoop may not be comin’ back, but we have it on the best authority that there are three (3) lovely destinations […]

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When they’re not headbanging or answering our inane questions, Columbia faculty enjoy getting dirty in the lab. Bwog takes a moment to look back on this week in science. Headlines were compiled by our Blip-Spotter-Spotter-in-Chief Ricky Raudales. In a lengthy New York Times piece, Siddhartha Mukherjee, self-proclaimed biographer of cancer (and Pulitzer Prize winner!), tackles overreaching claims that link […]

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No Impact Week

No Impact Week starts today! This event from Green Umbrella aims to create a consciousness about the impact of everything we do on our environment. A paradox to mull over: making an impact by not impacting. Contemplate how your life as a Columbia student affects the world around you…playing frisbee on the lawn, eating at […]

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This isn’t the first time pigeons have been spotted in Havemeyer 309 in the past week. But now, pigeons in action! You never know, maybe next week there will be a whole flock.

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For this pigeon, it’s a nice ledge in 309 to build a nest and lay eggs on. Mind-bwoggling. And we already asked Public Safety to take care of her, so she and her youngins hopefully won’t get hurt.

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Crafty squirrel outside of Carman, preparing to consume a juicy tomato. You can look, but don’t touch!

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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