Update, 11:41 p.m.: This page will only contain information for Wednesday, April 7. Please look for our new post on Thursday for live coverage.

A few notes before we begin (10 AM, get stoked): comment away on this post, but please keep a few things in mind. Please try to keep all comments topical. We’ll try to answer as many questions as possible, but we may not be able to tell what what your specific lottery number means at a certain moment. General debate, advice and chatter about the housing process is encouraged. Our revised comment policy can be found at the bottom of the page and will help explain our comment moderating system. We’ll be updating the chart in the top box as often as possible, posting the official Housing whiteboard, and telling you everything else that happens in John Jay lounge, minute by minute, for the next 7 days. Let’ s do the damn thing. Happy picking!

Please note that we are only posting official numbers from Housing and updating our chart as the whiteboard is edited. Numbers in bold are official and numbers in italics are speculative (due to conflicting or missing information).

To watch our live updates on your mobile device, go to coveritlive.com/mobile and search for “Bwog.” To see the spreadsheet on a mobile device, head to http://bit.ly/bwoghousing2010.