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Posts Tagged with "The 2010 Housing Lottery: Your Best Mistake Ever!"

Starting at 12 today, those most blessed by the housing gods began logged on to the Star Rez portal at their appointed registration times. The process will continue until 4:27 this afternoon, so make sure not to miss your appointment! You can check your appointment time by UNI or by priority. Since Columbia will constantly […]

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The last of the rising sophomores enter into despair. The room count has two columns. “Whiteboard” holds official numbers on the Housing whiteboard and “Bwog Count” will be our estimate based on exit polls. To watch our live updates on your mobile device, go to and search for “Bwog”. To see the spreadsheet on […]

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10-point rising sophomores: it’s all about you. The room count has two columns. “Whiteboard” holds official numbers on the Housing whiteboard and “Bwog Count” will be our estimate based on exit polls. To watch our live updates on your mobile device, go to and search for “Bwog”. To see the spreadsheet on a mobile […]

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Monday means the remaining rising juniors pick, followed by mixed-point junior-sophomore groups. 10-point rising sophomores, start biting your nails now. The room count has two columns. “Whiteboard” holds official numbers on the Housing whiteboard and “Bwog Count” will be our estimate based on exit polls. To watch our live updates on your mobile device, go […]

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30-point groups have finished so it’s time to house the luckiest of juniors. The room count has two columns. “Whiteboard” holds official numbers on the Housing whiteboard and “Bwog Count” will be our estimate based on exit polls. To watch our live updates on your mobile device, go to and search for “Bwog”. To […]

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Welcome to Suite Selection Day 2! Our coverage will begin at 10 AM. A change from yesterday: the room count now has two columns. “Whiteboard” holds official numbers on the Housing whiteboard and “Bwog Count” will be our estimate based on exit polls. To watch our live updates on your mobile device, click here. To […]

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Don’t be late–check your appointment time! The Core, topical? Leymah Gbowee champions the positively Lysistrata-esque sex strike and more to fight for justice and women’s rights in the Congo and beyond. (The Daily Beast) New York is now the eighth-most bike-friendly city in the country. Not so, cry the Williamsburg Hasids! (New York Post) Today […]

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Update, 11:41 p.m.: This page will only contain information for Wednesday, April 7. Please look for our new post on Thursday for live coverage. A few notes before we begin (10 AM, get stoked): comment away on this post, but please keep a few things in mind. Please try to keep all comments topical. We’ll […]

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No email yet, but they’ll be in your StarRez thingamabopper. StarRez–>Application–>Registration Summary, you know the drill. See you in John Jay!

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Yesterday, Bwog’s Housing Inquisitor, David Hu, collected the reactions of those lucky souls owning the best housing lottery numbers. Today, he’s back with the not-so-lucky. Bwog: How did you feel when you found out? Loser Less Fortunate Columbian 1: It was actually funny. I just sat there chuckling at myself asking how that number was […]

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to win the lottery? Bwog’s most stoic of Housing Correspondents, David Hu, brings you the gloats and surprisingly humble (for some) reactions of the recipients of this year’s best housing lottery numbers. Bwog: What’s it like all the way at the top? Have people been congratulating […]

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The Greek gods just emailed Bwog to inform us that they created a Housing Calculator that allows you to see the number of groups with the same point value/group size ahead of you in Suite Selection. So, uh, that saves hours of printing, highlighting, stressing and planning. We’ve linked to it in the Top Box […]

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Lottery numbers—yeah, we’ve been incessantly refreshing just like you. Log into StarRezPortal, go to “Applications,” select next year, and your lottery number is under “Registration Summary.” So. How’s that Claremont suite looking now? Remember to look over our housing updates, info, advice, strategies, gossip and overheards and breakdowns here. Remember: it’s the 2010 Housing Lottery: […]

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Earlier in the week, we posted a not-yet-finalized plan to increase the number of dorms with wireless internet starting in the fall. Now it’s official. Never again shall you trip over a stray ethernet cable in the middle of the night, and never again will you become frustrated when you realize you threw out last […]

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The Final Countdown

Ladies and gents, it’s the final stretch. Spring Break has come and gone, and these last seven weeks feel like No Man’s Land. Besides spring allergies and frenzied summer plans, here are a few dates to look forward to (or dread) in these last handful of weeks. Housing March 29: Lottery numbers posted April 7-9, […]

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