via studentaffairs.columbia.edu
Urban New York, that lovely SDA program which gives you a chance at free tickets, has been canceled for the fall semester. It will restart Friday, February 18th. Bwog is waiting on comment from the director of the program. Full email sent to all Barnard students as part of Barnard CAO below.
Urban New York is cancelled for fall 2010.
The tentative date for the spring semester is Friday, February 18th — 8am Lottery
Distribution & 12pm Sign Ups in the James Room.
Continue to check your e-mail for more updates!
@Oh what a sense of entitlement you kids have! You all seem to believe that Columbia owes you not only a good education, but a good free night on the town! Everything needs to be handed to you on a silver platter. Whiners, complainers, ingrates, spoiled brats… (I’m totally kidding).
@Oh I said I was kidding..
@No! This was my single favorite program. I met one of my best friends at an UrbanNY event my first year.
We need to get this program back.
@Sad Alum Oh no! This was a great program :( I thought this program was endowed as well.
@Alum Is it a funding problem? I thought the program was endowed.
@Anonymous it’s not CAO anymore… it’s the Student Life Office, so i guess it’s SLO ??
@Anonymous this is bullshit, Columbia
@Anonymous the one time I actually won something, they cancelled the event a few days before.
@Anonymous SGA, not SDA
@Eliza Thanks, corrected!
@Eliza Actually it is SDA, not SGA!
@Anonymous Every single time I’ve tried that thing, I’ve always ended up cancelling because there was always an exam or major paper to deal with.
@anyone know why it’s been cancelled this semester?