We at Bwog are glad to see that midterms have not gotten in the way of dear soldiers against the War on Fun. First, we found these, now this. Ladies and gentleman, we present to you the lost nipple cover. Friends, keep fighting the good fight! Photo by Joy Jorgensen
As Bwog supports all events of portmanteau-origins, we feel obligated to alert you of free food on the Schapiro patio in celebration of its new greenification, courtesy of EcoReps. In addition to gratuitous delectables, the Facebook event promises live jazz music, sidewalk chalk mural drawing, and “other fun stuff.” Sounds like a blast! The excitement […]
It sucks, but we all knew it was coming. The MTA continues to ruin your life and has officially raised subway fares to $2.50/single ride. (City Room) Columbians know how to use the interwebz. Who knew? (The Eye) If see more law enforcement agents on your subway commute today, don’t be alarmed. An Operation Railsafe […]
Friends of Rachel Swett, the CC student who tragically passed away this summer, are holding a reception in her honor this Monday night. Their note: We would like to invite you to a reception in honor of Rachel Swett. While many people were able to attend her memorial this summer, we wanted the Columbia community […]
Though we all now know that Ivies are the world’s worst charities, they still offer plenty of ways to be good people! Community Impact is currently recruiting for its volunteer team, so for the price of 3-10 hours per week you can help New Yorkers get their GEDs or improve their English. Check out these […]
With a black top, in 833 Mudd. Tell us which day you lost it to retrieve it.
A poached egg is one of those very simple foods that makes other food taste a lot better. Those kinds of foods are useful for college cooking. Jason Bell spends a lot of time trying to figure out how to poach a brunch-worthy egg without a real kitchen, and comes up with a rather clever […]
As the seasons are a-changin’ so is the Greenmarket, and this week’s sunny skies promise a full house! The chilly weather favors different fruits and veggies, so here’s the lowdown on the last-chance crops you want to snag this week. Lavender by the Bay will be back by popular demand. American Seafood will be in with […]
At 7:30PM today in 309 Havemeyer, the Center for Palestine Studies (CPS) will be publicly launched. In keeping with our Edward Said-worshipping “bastion of academic freedom” reputation, this development will make Columbia the first university in the country to house a center for Palestinian studies. The creation of CPS honors Columbia professor of forty years […]
Not everyone appreciates Kravis’ $100 million donation to the B-School…like bitter journalists and starving babies in Africa. (Gawker) The New Haven police are crazy! Their riot-appropriate raiding methods are a tad harsh for a Yale off-campus party. (NYT) James Franco. In drag. Need we say more? (TVGuide) Though the 1 train has failed us many a […]
Sometimes Bwog hops lectures. Sometimes we hop rooms. This is an example of the latter, courtesy of Ariel Levin. If you think your swanky pad is worthy, email us at tips@bwog.com. There are three kinds of posters that attack your eyes and validate every cliché about college males as you enter their dorm rooms. They […]
A few weeks ago we realized that you could kinda-sorta get free quarters from Hartley. Mahima Chablani found some other party favors at the Hospitality Desk: The Hospitality Desk is currently giving away stylin’ plastic ponchos to save us from this ugly weather. Students can also sign out space heaters fo’ free, which must be returned by […]
Lots of free eats tonight, folks. Get some while it lasts. Skip dinner, eat liquid nitrogen ice cream! It’s like science, or something. Meet up at the Lerner ramps at 6-8pm. Finally, more food at the Columbia Harlem Business Connection Information Session, in Hamilton 507, at 8pm. Photo via Wikimedia Commons.
Public Safety released an alert today concerning a tutoring scam, by which tutors offering their services on Craigslist might be fleeced. Full email below. Attached is the Crime Prevention News Letter mentioned. Dear Public Safety Friends, Public Safety has received information from one of the local banks of a “Tutoring Scam” targeting several students who answered […]
Hygienic tipster Katheryn Thayer noticed this unhappy note at the laundry machines. Perhaps it is not as biting as past informal laundry notices, but Bwog applauds all means of pants retrieval.
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024