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Posts Tagged with "schapiro"

Want lots of amenities, modern infrastructure, and to be close to campus? Don’t mind living in a corridor-style dorm? Move to Schapiro!

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Looking to live near campus in an air-conditioned single? Love spending the afternoon in Riverside Park? Schapiro could be the place for you.

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Are you looking to live near campus in a single with AC? Schapiro may be the dorm for you.

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Are you a sophomore, junior, or senior who’s looking to live off-campus but still within easy distance for a quick Ferris run? Do you want more than just one elevator in your building? Look no further than Schapiro!

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October can’t come soon enough. To get his spook on, senior Bwogger Leo Bevilacqua decided to sort through his love-hate relationship with Ryan Murphy in a productive way.  MURDER HOUSE (Carman) – Where the horror begins quite literally. Plus, some unfortunate upperclassmen find themselves trapped in this liminal space for years to come as RA’s. Those […]

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With an almost flawless location and unique amenities, Schapiro deserves consideration from all Columbia Students. Bwog gives you a detailed account of this gentle giant lurking on 115th. Location: 605-615 W 115th Street. Nearby dorms: Furnald, Woodbridge Stores and restaurants: The UPS Store, the 115th halal cart, Morton Williams, M2M, Vine, Starbucks, Ferris Cost: Now standard […]

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Looking forward to escaping the hell of Carman bathrooms by living in a newly-renovated dorm next year? Well, you may not be so lucky. Apparently, some of these nicer bathrooms have already been destroyed due to debauchery/water leaks(?). Staffers sent in evidence of their dorms’ trashy toilets that they were told would be renovated. Drunken […]

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Housing approacheth. And, unless you’re on top of it, it’s probably coming up sooner than you think. Bwog’s got you covered; we’ll be rolling out two housing reviews per day until no residence hall is left un-reviewed. Prepare to get (even more) excited: this year, we’re reviewing Barnard residence halls, too. Reviews for all! Today’s […]

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In our continuing coverage of things going wrong in housing, several residents of Schapiro have written the below semi-serious “manifesto” on the sporadic dearth of H20 in their find building. Read on to see this open letter to Housing and, as you are wont to, sound off in comments: We, residents of Schapiro Hall, object […]

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Everyone talks about that Juilliard-Columbia Exchange student who died in his 13th hour of practicing on Halloween night many moons ago. But no one had seen his ghost before Sarah Faith Thompson ventured down to the Schapiro basement a few nights ago. I wander through Schapiro’s recently-renovated lobby, headphones on, and head down the stairs […]

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Location: 605-615 W. 115th Street. Nearby dorms: Furnald, Woodbridge Stores and restaurants: UPS Store (yay!), the best Halal cart, Lerner, Morton Williams, M2M, Uni Cafe Cost: $7,340 (same as Wien, McBain, Broadway) Amenities: Bathrooms: Decent floor bathrooms. Upper floors renovated recently, and 2-5 will be over summer. AC/Heating: Air conditioning and heat. Kitchen/Lounge: Every floor […]

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Earlier today, Bwog learned that the residents and R.A. of Schapiro 3 collaborated on this frankly amazing Oppa Gangnam Style video. We’ve been watching it on repeat ever since.

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Location: 605-615 W. 115th Street. Nearby dorms: Furnald, Woodbridge Stores and restaurants: UPS Store (yay!), the best Halal cart, Lerner, Morton Williams, M2M, Uni Cafe Cost: $6,718 (same as Wien, McBain, Broadway) Amenities: Bathrooms: Floor bathrooms. Relatively small and gross. AC/Heating: Air conditioning and heat. Kitchen/Lounge: Every floor has a new-ish lounge with a kitchen, […]

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CCSC cooked it up. Brian Wagner ate it down. The Council talked about granting Barnard swipe access to Columbia dorms. In the past, insurance and other legal matters have barred student government from changing the current system. The Council resolved to investigate these barriers and to see if any additional ones existed. They also plan to discuss […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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