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Posts Tagged with "seasonal things"

They’re here! But what shall we call them? Bwog has learned some things during our time at Columbia, namely that all the things you thought you knew are probably wrong and everything you hold dear is probably the cause of some deep-rooted societal problem. We figure our readers are pretty smart, and could help us […]

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“Is it just me, or was this, like, the worst week ever?” You may ask yourself this question every week, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t earned your Thursday night cocktail. In this edition of Drinking with Bwog, learn to celebrate the season with the Kentucky Fried Turkey. CBA bartender and Thanksgiving enthusiast Lauren Alpert […]

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Friends, ’tis the season to be seasonal. After taking in yesterday’s picturesque glories, the CC 2013 class council thought they’d keep up the momentum with an autumnal event of their own. They’ll be stationed outside of Butler at 6 pm this evening with plenty of free apple cider to keep you hydrated during your requisite Butler break. Bask […]

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The Greenmarket convenes on Broadway every Thursday and Sunday. Bwog updates you on the highlights of this week’s harvest. Dare to get seasonal. While grape season is over, it’s always wine season. King Ferry Winery will still be serving up local wines this Sunday and next Thursday. Want some cheese with that wine? Millport Dairy brings raw […]

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The Greenmarket is here every Thursday and Sunday. Every Thursday, Bwog brings you the weekly highlights. As fall tightens its clammy grip, squashes, root veggies, and apples are in abundance. In addition to milk, cream, and yogurt, Milk Thistle farm will be selling fresh chicken on Sunday. Or try try the more exotic meats: ostrich meat from […]

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The Greenmarket is here every Thursday and Sunday. Every Thursday, Bwog brings you the weekly highlights. Meet the newest members of the Greenmarket family, Wood Homestead and Tundra Brewery. They’ll be selling maple syrup, maple cotton candy, and beer from all-local grains and hops this Sunday. Bonus points if you can mix all three together. […]

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Okay, so the point of Boringside Heights (as explained by the title, which has the word ‘boring’ in it), is to note some boring things that happen in Morningside Heights (see it’s a play on words because ‘morning’ and ‘boring’ sound kind of similar). Bwog delights in these details, and we think you should too. […]

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If finals have got you down, Bwog knows just the thing to cheer you up—seasonal cookies! Read on to find out how Cooking with Bwog’s culinary master Matt Powell likes to get into the holiday spirit. Peppermint Chocolate Cookies (Makes 50 2-inch-round cookies) My friend found this cookie recipe a few years ago and came […]

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As one of the Columbia Greenmarket’s biggest fans, Bwog likes to stop and chat with the lovely people who supply us with farm fresh produce. This week, Zoe Camp met with the good people of Samascott Orchards—you may know it as the booth with the awesome apple cider. We may be more than halfway into fall, […]

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As the seasons are a-changin’ so is the Greenmarket, and this week’s sunny skies promise a full house! The chilly weather favors different fruits and veggies, so here’s the lowdown on the last-chance crops you want to snag this week. Lavender by the Bay will be back by popular demand. American Seafood will be in with […]

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