They know what it's like

If you think your living situation is far from ordinary, and you have a thirst for fame, you’re in luck. If you want to be featured on Bwog and then email us in a year when you’re looking for a job to ask us to remove your last name, you’re in better luck.

Bwog is looking for living situations we call “Powersuites.” If you live with notable campus characters, or you’re all involved in one organization, or you all knit clothes for each other out of old gym socks, or you are in a living situation that you think is worth us writing about, tell us.

Email with the details on your Powersuite and why you think your suite deserves a spot in Powersuite history. It’ll give you something to tell your grand kids about one day.

The original Powersuite via Flickr/LunessaLife