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Posts Tagged with "powersuites"
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Be a Powersuite

Do you live with all political feminists? Have you made a giant Harry-Potter themed map of Columbia? Does your suite have artistic domination over all of campus? If you’re not impressed by any of these situations, then we’re interested in you and your illustrious living companions! Bwog is bringing back Powersuites, aka the living lifestyles of […]

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We’ve already shown you feminist Democrats, pizza-loving student council members, and adventurous Harry Potter fans. This week, Bwog visits a Powersuite full of artists and performers who also love to bake. From Suite 4C in 600, Mahima Chablani and Raphaelle Debenedetti report on these multi-talented ladies’ homemade treats and weekly cleaning parties. There is always […]

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We’ve seen Pizza Partiers and Politicos. This week, Bwog visited another PowerSuite where students have taken mischief making to the next level. Alison Herman gives you a peak inside the mysterious, pop-culture referencing, internationally influenced, and pest enduring world of Ruggles #120-123. Step into the lobby of Ruggles Hall and one door will quickly catch […]

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The reaction to this most recent Powersuite feature has prompted an unprecedented intervention from the editorial staff of Bwog. We’d like to start with an apology. We did not intend to portray members of our community in a way that would encourage the kind of discussion that took place on that post. In providing a […]

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This week, Bwog visited another PowerSuite where high-ranking student government officials, an established social justice leader, a master volleyball instructor, and a music connoisseur all reside. While other politicians fail at their pizza eating skills, Ruggles #109-114 is home to masters of the craft. Raphaelle Debenedetti and Mahima Chablani report. When Bwog arrived at Snuggles (yes, they were responsible for this) #109-114, […]

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At long last, Bwog brings you the feature you’ve all been waiting for (but like, really—we’ve kept you waiting since 2009): a close look at Columbia’s best and brightest PowerSuites. In its inaugural installment, PowerSuites visits the den of four very influential juniors, through the lens of Examiner Extraordinare Alex Eynon. Join Alex as she […]

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If you think your living situation is far from ordinary, and you have a thirst for fame, you’re in luck. If you want to be featured on Bwog and then email us in a year when you’re looking for a job to ask us to remove your last name, you’re in better luck. Bwog is […]

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Bwog likes to hop from room to room, and sometimes, when we find something good enough, we post about it. Other times, we just harass the residents for free snacks and then quietly leave. If you would like your room to be hopped, email us at “The trouble with always trying to preserve the […]

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Hello there! Are you in a living situation that is in some way notable? Do you like diamonds and fame? Would you like to be featured on Bwog then email us in a year when you’re looking for a job to ask us to remove your last name? Well, perfect. Bwog is looking for living […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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