Last semester, after Early Decision results went out, we checked in on the Class of 2016’s Facebook page. We expected to be, uh, entertained; we were not disappointed. So last week, when Regular Decision stats were announced, we thought maybe that the 2016 Facebook’s page had had time to ferment. Again, we expected something to chuckle at. Indeed, we must hand it to you, 2016. You not only outdid our expectations, you outdid yourselves.
- Facepalm
- The clueless one.
- This 2015er knows what’s up.
- Try the Giants.
- Six months later she’ll be a Butler zombie.
- Need to step up your humbragging game, kid.
@Anonymous Ugh · 51 2 · 25 January 2012 at 5:53 pm · Reply · Track
Were we such jackasses too?
ps- you still are
@who cares? as an incoming freshman, I am so happy that I’m not the only one who thinks the posting is a bit ridiculousness…
@CC '16 It’s like believing in Santa; Let us believe in whatever the hell we want. We will find out eventually.
@'16 I stopped posting in that group after I saw the first article, in fear that one of my comments would make it into another one.
@Your catching on quite nicely.
@'16 So…upperclassmen…are you making fun of us because you all hate it here, or because prefrosh are annoying?
I’m totally okay with the second one but if everyone at Columbia hates it, that really worries me.
@CC '14 The latter. I don’t actually find prefrosh (or first semester frosh) that annoying, just… okay, yeah, maybe annoying. Mostly naive and with much to learn about the world. Plus they don’t know how to drink.
@Read the last article The last piece on you guys makes it clear: hating on pre-frosh being overly excited is one of the few traditions we hold dear. You’ll be in the same shoes next year, and you’ll see what exactly we mean. If you want to get a better understanding of Columbia, read Bwog comments and understand the school fosters an environment that promotes this sarcastic bashing. It’s the best.
@CC '14 You guys are making us sound like even bigger jackasses. Let them enjoy their acceptances – they’re excited! That was each and every one of you at one point.
@Anonymous BAHAHA good find
@Anonymous LOL! we sound like toolbags.
@equally mortified 2016er you missed this gem:
“Finding it hard to maintain my valedictory status with all this lack of motivation… O_o #collegetimeyet?”
@Anonymous Facebook? What’s facebook?
@9gagger cant wait to cross-reference these kiddos with the various College Freshman memes!
@Anonymous 9gag? Are you mentally handicapped?
@Dude, if you “forgot” to apply for FinAid, you probably don’t need it.
@Come on. I find this to be very upsetting. These are high school seniors who recently found out that they got into COLUMBIA. Let them be excited about it without patronizing their enthusiasm. I for one have had just as phenomenal an experience here as I anticipated back when I was posting on the 2014 Early Decision group. Congratulations, Class of ’16. Soak it up.
@Anonymous :) You’re the first person that has said something remotely nice, so thank you. I didn’t say anything near any of the above posts, but I still think its a little harsh to bash us like that. We’re just trying to get to know each other and have a little fun. :/ Don’t discourage us before we step foot in the door. It almost makes you guys seem pretentious and condescending, like you don’t remember being an eager, naive college freshman.
@Yeah, but the problem is that it’s so hard to reconcile that “eager, naive college freshman” persona with the sad, angry, embittered individual that Columbia has made me.
– CC ’12
@Anonymous But do you really need to take it out on them?
@Nah breh: alls I’m saying is, don’t paint us as “pretentious and condescending,” like we’re going out of our way to scoff. It’s just that, for a lot of us, we can no longer understand this prefrosh innocence in light of our own experience; disdain is our natural response.
@Anonymous giggity
@Hmm I find these heartbreaking, to be honest.
– CC ’12
@old person These are nowhere near as embarrassing as 2011’s “Columbia works hard but parties harder!!” group.
Example 1:
“WERE STILL GONNA DO IT BIG NEXT YEAR… just in case anyone was wondering.
THIS IS ABOUT TO BE NY-freakin-C, international capitol of all things fabulous and crazy! WE’VE GOTTA MEASURE UP!”
Example 2:
“Yo so i’m sure i know most of you by now, but i think we all know that the parties have been struggling a lil bit here since school started….Pike was great cus of the alcohol but i think we can do better…So i know a house we can throw a party at, so who wants to help me throw the first freshman party of the year? we need to make our name known”
@Anonymous This truly made me laugh and also tear up a little bit.
@The best One was “Who here likes coffee?!?!?! :D” That one’s my favorite so far from the 2016ers.
@2015er lol why is my post in an article about the 2016 fb group?
@Probably because you suck
@Anon :O
@2012 no class can top 2012 and stephan vincenzo’s sexxx in the city party plan
@2012 where the fuck is boreadatbutler???
@CC'13 “my parents were really lazy”…i hope you learn a little more accountability soon or college is going to kick your ass
@alum haha noobs.
@'16 For the record, many of us are not this outwardly assholian. Especially those of us that haven’t written much at all on the facebook page. Also, can something be said about the 17 friend requests I have sitting there from fellow 2016-ers that I have never met before?
@I'm like so over it
@seas '13 yeah, you’ll get quite a few of those. it’s just everyone’s enthusiam to get to know their future classmates and potentially make friends before even meeting. nbd. in the end, some of them you’ll meet, some of them you won’t, and some of ’em (as in my case) will be some of the closest, coolest, most like-minded friends you’ll ever have the pleasure to make. s’all good.
@Anonymous sorry, are you seas13 or cc14 #trackbutton
@4-1 Program Heard of it?
@cc 14 God, I could have written that when I was your age.
@all that can be said is that that number will keep growing
@Anonymous word of advice to you and your fellow 16ers: every comment you post on bwog will be downvoted, so just don’t bother. you heard it here first
@yet you use the world assholian, making you just as pathetic as the rest of them
@Anonymous They are cute! Come on! Let them have some fun and anticipation.
@cc'14 I’m of the same opinion. I find it more affection-deserving than anything else; it’s an endearing glance back into the past haha.
@'11 endearing-glance right back atcha
@Oh my lord.
@URC Ugh. Now we’re all gonna another e-mail reminding us that the FB group is confidential etc etc etc
@Seriously, this is an abuse of your privileges, Bwog. I know you’re blacking (/crayolacoloring?) out their names, but this is taking freshman-bashing a little too far.
@Srsly? grow a pear
@Anonymous grow an apple
@Anonymous Seriously, what power does an email have over an URC member? Grow a pair, or an apple. :D
@Ugh Were we such jackasses too?
@CC'14 Depends; you didn’t indicate your class. Ah fuck it every entering class sounds like jackasses and always will.