Update, 7/8: The nominations are in and here are the finalists. Vote for your favorite!
What should Dean Goldfarb's new nickname be?

It’s that time of year again, when a dean resigns, and the next in line needs a nickname. Today, that is Interim SEAS Dean Donald Goldfarb. We tried to come up with some ourselves:
- Old McDonald’s Farb
- The Farber of Seville
- Farby
- Battlefarb Galactica
- Farby’s
- Farbohydrate
- Starvin’ Farbin
- Ziggy Farbdust
- Chicken Farbesan
- Farbie
- GoFa
Suffice it to say, we need a little help. Leave suggestions in the comments and we’ll make a poll next week with the 5 best names, as decided by a complicated scientific procedure that also involves math. If your name wins, you’ll earn glory which will last from when Goldfarb is confirmed until he, in turn, resigns.
@Anonymous BrainFarb!
@Anonymous How about “the Donald”
@Anonymous The Godfarber OR Goldfinger
@rawr DeaGo!
@Anonymous Goldeanlocks
@costanza.jpeg >not using bulbapedia
@Anonymous I would like to register my peevedness that my suggestion The Goldfarber didn’t make it to the final round… now I have to wait until the next dean resigns next summer…
@too soon pena farbora
@they all suck try this: the situation
the farbtuation
like when a pack of freshmen chicks giggle and act all impressed at his abs, he yells “yeaah! that’s it right here! looks like we got a farbtuation right here!”
@Alum '12 Professor Farbsworth! Or Ol’ FarbSEAS!
@Anonymous How is this a sequel? Ahinks + deantini = third contest, not second
@Barnard Freshman Why not PrettyKitty101?
@how about no? http://cdn2.mamapop.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/its-time-to-stop-posting.jpg
@AJ Luzarraga Fab Farb!
@Vinces Where @? Dean and DonFarbLucas
@anon Dean Gold
@Anonymous one more vote for The Godfarber
@Anonymous Not Gold McDonald’s Farb?
Also, Bwog, this is the third dean naming competition: Hinkson -> AHinks, Valentini -> Deantini. So it’s not “the sequel” [title].
@Anonymous Dean Farbergé
@Anonymous Double D
@Anonymous The Farber of SEASville
@Anonymous Dean Don!
@Anonymous ooh you touch my Dean Dean Don….my tralala
@ladyfingers Dontini
Don the Dean
Don Juan[farb]
Donnie Farbo
Don Drapefarb
Ronald McDonald Goldfarb
@SEAS '14 Easy. Goldean.
@dis dude noes what it is and how it do. leading the poles to victory
@Hannah Engineer Farbie
(like this, but different: http://gizmodo.com/5470587/computer-engineer-barbie-has-a-phd-in-fun-and-breaking-down-stereotypes)
@Anonymous Farb East Movement
@Anonymous Deanald Goldfarb
@the good doctor Farbulou$
@Anonymous Goldfarb Sachs
@The Town Drunkard Farbie Donald on the wine-dark SEAS.
@How's about? The DonGol Horde?
@anon i like farbie. i vote for farbie
@dudemeister i agree, farbie seems like a good name for an overall chill bro like goldfarb
@oikwtistmied FABSTER
@Anonymous i meant to say FARBSTER
@Anonymous The Farb
@Deaneas & Farb Duh.
@I think it should be Mr Cats Cradle McGee
Then we can dress him up in a lil hat, would be sooo cute, pinch his lil cheeckies and such
@Anonymous i like Old McDonald’s Farb
@Anonymous not “Gold McDonald’s Farb”?
@I got one GoldDean #pokemon4ever
@how about Dean Fuckface.
Happy 4th of July Everyone!
@Anonymous Farbie McGoldilocks
@Jacob the applied mathematician BFGS
Look it up.
@Bronomenal If we have to look it up, it sucks
@"the Don" his name is “The Don”
@alum yeah engineering professors and students have been calling him “the don” for a long time. no need to reinvent the wheel.
@J DFarb
@Anonymous The Goldfarber
@... The Godfarber
@Anonymous Donald Golduck
@Anonymous Uncle Dolan?
@Anonymous gooby pls
@goddamit this joke was bad and you should feel bad
i feel bad for getting it
@Sherlock Donny G
@Anon2219 Wait is DoGo really not a suggestion?
@Alum That was my first thought.
@Anonymous I like Farbie.
@wait I thought we already agreed on Goldfart????
@Where's my Milano? Goldini
@Anonymous Dean CashfarbGold
@Anonymous he has an algorithm named in part after him: BFGS. so his name should be BFG.
@Anonymous if he’s either big or friendly–this is perfect! (dont know the guy…)
@bfg this actually might work — he’s big (at least tall) and friendly (humble, with an old-school East New York accent).
@I smell... Walk-in office hours with snozzcumbers!
@Orli Jewish Gambino
@Harry's potter Voldefart
@or Dean Snowball
@How bout Voldefarb