Earlier this semester, Spec bought Print@CU. Some technical issues came up soon after the fact, as evidenced by the many late-night angry tips we received. The obvious solution to this is just not to print anything out for the rest of the semester, but that may prove problematic for the next two weeks. But beyond some technical issues—switching servers is hard, guys—this week Print@ unveiled some ads that made you anonymous tipsters do…well, what you normally do in comments, but in our inboxes:
- “Spec put garish advertisements all over Print@CU”
- “There are big and annoying ads on print@cu”
- “So spec just plastered print@cu with ads…. fuck those guys”
There are also some nasty rumors out there that italics and quotation marks get spontaneously deleted, but our mothers taught us never to gossip.
Some visuals, in case you haven’t had to print anything in the past two weeks:
- So much color!
- Freedom of expression
Let the revolt begin.
@Anonymous So much Svokos
@grumpy It deleted all my footnotes last time I tried it. WHY
@Costco Employee I’m disgusted.
@Anonymous That Strokos picture is the funniest thing ever.
@Anonymous Who even eats at Strokos?
@chill your tits print@cu still works just fine.
@https There are still no ads on the https site!
@CC14 Thank god I have that sites source code saved. I think I could run it for free with some changes. Might try it out during break.
@Anonymous I’m going to try – but be ware I think you need to run it on a system inside the network.
BSD License ftw!
@Yah Wonder where that came from…
@Anonymous Yeah, fuck Spec. Putting ads next to the free service they’re giving us so they can continue to give us free news every day. What bullshit.
@Blogger There’s a content to ad ratio that is ideal, 1 Banner ad will do it. Those square ads on the bottom are cheaper anyway. They went way overboard.
@PC @An adult: Can you add every printer on campus?
@ADI https://github.com/adicu/ninja-unix
@Yo the flyer below is a flyer for orgo night, give credit where credit is due
@#fuckspecyo thank fuck for adblock
@Anonymous spec got handed a good thing and took a giant shit on it
@An adult Even my mother can add a printer to her laptop.
@Dead Horse Hey isn’t print@cu terrible now that spec took it over?
anyone wanna beat me?