Bwog Video thrust a couple of unsuspecting freshpeople into the heart of Teacher’s College. Witness their struggle to get out alive.
Bwog Video thrust a couple of unsuspecting freshpeople into the heart of Teacher’s College. Witness their struggle to get out alive.
@Anonymous see site
@Anonymous No! No! If they escape from TC, pity the poor students they try to Indoctrinate U
@Anonymous You could do a similar one for med school.
@Johnson#1FAN RAPE ROOM!!!!!
@I'm so disappointed that none of the bizarre art installations were featured in this
@anon The art in TC got taken down over Christmas break, oddly enough.
@!!!! all of it? I clearly haven’t been paying attention :( :(
@usual anna hotter fan WHO STOLE MY THING
@0.41 freshman hickey a++
@Anonymous Young Thomas Spry’s got a hell of a hickey.
@CC'14 Freshman year I got lost in TC. I was there for an hour and could not get out until a guard saw me and escorted me out.
@same but I was lost and drunk inside TC
@Yaaaaassssss @Anonymous: To re-watch her cameo watch
@I thought that little girl was singing Sleepyhead
@Anonymous sounded like kria brekkan 2 me
@hey nicely done. very funny
@Anonymous I lost it at the Ferris part.