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Posts Tagged with "bwog video"

Bwideo is back and better than ever! While our last installment was focused on the student population, we decided in this video to turn to Bwog writers by having them read the mean comments viewers have left on their articles. If you want to contribute to Bwideo in the future, please email us at with your name and […]

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In Bwog Video’s second release—or is it “Bwideo” now?—Camille Ramos (’20) and Sarah Kinney (’20) ask Columbia trivia to unsuspecting students on College Walk. We thought it was hard to trump our first video, but we sure proved ourselves wrong! Ahem…gratuitous self praise notwithstanding, check out our new video below! If you’re interested in Bwog Video/Bwideo, […]

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Welcome to our first Bwog Video! Brought to you by Camille Ramos (’20), we plan on continuing to deliver relatable, interesting content to Columbia through yet another form of multimedia. We’re pioneering our new platform with a video of y’all telling us why you hate our site. Come to our first meeting this Sunday in […]

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Do you crave the feeling of being a star? Do you dream of writing an Oscar-winning screenplay? Have you ever wanted to learn to bake special brownies, to be dragged across the floor in Teacher’s College, or to stink up the SGO while wearing business attire? Don’t worry— CU (No Budget) Sketch Show aka CUSS aka the […]

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Happy Halloweekend

Before we all board our trains back to Westchester for Fall Break, Bwog Video brings you its spooky Halloween Special. And what could be scarier than a Tinder date? Join Bwog Video! Shoot us an email at to get in on the action.

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Bwog Video, aka B-Roll Productions, is at it again, and this time they’re delving into the colourful world of reality television.  If you like to spend your free time photoshopping Channing Tatum into photos of the Catalogue Room, email us at

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B-Roll Productions (formerly Bwog Video) presents its first installment of the new year. For the season premiere, enjoy somewhere quiet and motionless, like the Package Centre line.  If you too find beauty in the absurd, you should consider joining B-Roll Productions! No previous film experience necessary— just shoot us an email at

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With the death grip of finals slowly tightening like a noose around our necks, Bwog felt it would be best to bring some humor and joy back to everyone’s lives. The talented and beloved Bwog Video team met up with Columbia’s all-female improv group, Control Top, for some laughs on Bwog and Graduation. Some basic background […]

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Whether you celebrated 420 or Easter, you probably spent Sunday pondering the significance of your existence in one form or another. Inspired by the glorious weather, Bwog Video ventured out onto our sunny campus and asked some very happy Columbians the question of questions: What is the meaning of life?

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We’re not usually one to brag, but Bwoggers can whip up a good meal when we need to. Culinary champion Jon Lesser with the help of the fabulous Bwog Video team bring you a quick yet delicious pork chop recipe to impress either your new fling or your grandparents. Cooking With Bwog: Pork Chops from […]

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Fresh off their foray into the Teacher’s College, Bwog Video returns with another installment of the College Talk series. The Bacchanal rumors continue to buzz, so we hit the streets, or steps rather, to find out who you want, or really don’t want, in your ideal Bacchanal lineup.

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With bags of candy purchased out of self-loathing and loneliness Valentine’s Day right around the corner, there’s no better time to get into shape. Bwog shows you how, with a brief instructional video that can help even the most out-of-shape Columbians.

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Bwog knows what you’re thinking: it’s time to strip down, throw on some PJs, grab a cup of instant cocoa, cuddle up with a movie, and…what? Oh. No, I get it, you want to hang out with your friends. No, it makes sense—really, go. No, it’s fine, we want you to. No, we’re not upset. […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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