One genius Carman resident decided to take room decor to the next level and got pretty HGTV on their dorm room. Moving out the furniture, the student installed a bar (bought off of Craigslist) and threw a huge party last night in his room to celebrate it. Bwog received a storm of photos and tips and, well…just see for yourself.
NB: Housing charges $300 per wall for repainting a room after checkout. We hope he charged a cover last night.
- Looks innocent
- Ahhhh helll naahhh
- Bwog will help finish that wine
- Aw what a cute view
- Turnt up for what?
- This is not 1020
- Is this against health codes?
- Ah, school spirit while drunk
- Did Jubilation! stop by the party?
- Kid you’re fucked
@RA Dude Not gonna lie, this room is pretty fucking dope.
@Anonymous Dunno if anyone actually uses this but here you go:
@LMS if you can’t even
@Anonymous the habboosh administration isn’t going to be happy about this
@judging lol ravenswood
@Concerned Parent Oh my God! These kids are so irresponsible! Who ever would have thought this would happen at such a prestigious institution?
@Anonymous Psssssttttt…. it’s COLLEGE. Frankly, Columbia could use a lot more people like this. Kid’s a visionary.
@Anonymous Please find something better to do with your time, helicopter parent.
@Anonymous Seriously?…the host has been cava’d 4 times..FOUR?
Also, don’t you have to have sit-downs with the dean of reslife each time your intoxication results in getting cava’d and/or hospitalized?
@turn down for what?
@Anonymous MIT lets people paint all over one of their dorms. Why can’t Columbia do the same with Carman?
@Anonymous Can confirm. I stayed in one of those dorms over the weekend and it was really cool.
@Total Power move With money like this kids got, I’m sure he’ll pay for all the damages no problemo. Probably a little probation, maybe some awareness stuff, you know the deal. I am in awe of the cojones on this guy.
@8 fan I hear his suite mate snuck a keg into carman for his birthday. These kids are nuts! I hear that same kid is like the hottest guy in the freshman class.
@Anonymous @8 fan: i hear he does car commercials… in japan
@Anonymous and this guy may get expelled? I know death and expulsion aren’t exactly equal, but the metaphor still works since in both cases the cause of our hero’s demise, be it expulsion or death or a fuckoff huge fine, came about directly as a result of what hoisted him/her to such heights in the first place.
Unless I’m being dense right now and there’s something I’m missing. I’m tired, cut me some slack.
@^same person well shit this comment didn’t reply to the one I meant it to. Pretend it’s answering the one reading “Icarus crashed and died.”
@Lee Bollinger Obama give this man a medal
@Anonymous Some of the paintings were actually beautiful. I wish someone got a full panorama or something. This place should be preserved
@Tru Carmanite This was on the same floor as the nine-RA NSOP party, just saying…
@Anonymous Columbia needs more– many more– kids like this!8
@Noah Whoever he is, he has excellent movie taste if the Le Samourai poster is any indication
@So... I understand that this was intended to be fun and let students party and get fucking crazy (which is cool)….but just TWO POINTS I can’t help but bring up.
1. So…disregarding the fact that it was pretty irresponsible to throw a huge party with booze in an underclassmen dorm….it was REALLY DUMB for Bwog to post this. Because the administration could easily see this because everyone reads Bwog (Huffingon Post…Ivy Gate…everyone) The Office of Residential Life could initiate a search of all the dorms in Carman and you can’t hide a BIG ASS bar that you installed in the middle of your room. So it’s super easy for them to figure out who did this. To be honest, the administration understands that freshmen WILL drink…duh you’re in college. And they will turn a blind eye if no one sees you with the alcohol and you don’t throw a huge ass party. But this is basically begging for their attention. There are pictures of TONS of alcohol and a clear indicator of what the room looks like.
2. I can’t help but feel like this is some poor kids attempt to get people to really like him. Which is okay, because I totally understand the pressure. But honestly…if half of those people partying it up in your dorm had to chose between YOU and an A-….they would throw you under the bus. And I really hope you don’t get into trouble for this…but I really don’t see how you won’t. So next time…try not to shoot yourself in the foot for other people’s enjoyment.
I admire your spirit kid! And I’m sure the party was bad ass…but next time…try and be a little smarter about how you break the rules.
@Anonymous Well, if this guy gets booted from the CU, it will be because he, like noble Icarus, flew too close to the sun.
You reach for the stars, so that if you fall, you’ll land on a cloud.
@True except... Icarus crashed and died
@Ovid No, he drowned.
@i mean the RAs of Carman are fully aware of the situation (there were multiple CAVAs!) and he’s probably losing housing. so chill out, it’s not like bwog broke this story
@Anonymous @Anonymous: The other room.
@Anonymous I’m fighting back my jaded-ness to say that I’m actually…impressed…with these freshmen.
Question: where did they move the furniture to?
@Anonymous They stashed everything in the other room in the suite
@Bringing New Meaning To the phrase “Person of Color”
@also And the host got CAVA’d for his fourth time. Who else bets he doesn’t last the semester?
@Anonymous Idk the host but he is my hero.
@Anonymous How does he have so much money / explain that to his parents?
@Anonymous he’s an alcoholic (<—-not even saying this objectively). The kid has a legit problem, and he needs help.
@TEAM OCHO ocho turnt. still the nsloppiest!
@woooo 2 turnt
@Anonymous see, somebody managed to have a fun, irresponsible collegiate party without dressing up like cultural stereotypes!
more paint, less white girls in sombreros pretending they look like an olympic team
@Dude Just shut the fuck up
@Anonymous neverrrrrr
@anti pussification of america you sound like me. i’m glad my attitude is catching on. keep up the good work, comrade
@Anonymous pussies are awesome, why wouldnt we want to pussify america
@Anonymous But actually
@YES This is maybe one of the best things to happen to CU. People need to let loose here!!