Political Science professor Dorian Warren has failed to submit grades for the course Labor and American Politics from the fall semester. He has also ignored all attempts at contacting him from both his TAs and other members of the Political Science Department. To quote one frustrated student, “Professor Warren has apparently gone rogue.” The following email was sent by Professor David Johnston and forwarded to Bwog by several students:
To all students who were enrolled in POLS W3202, Labor and American Politics, in fall 2014:
This message is longer than I would like, but please read it to the end.
As you all know, grades for Political Science W3202 have been delayed for an unconscionably long time. The reason why these grades were not submitted in a timely way is that Professor Warren did not submit them. Moreover, Prof. Warren has not responded to repeated, urgent entreaties to do so (including entreaties from officers of Columbia University with greater authority than mine).
Final grades for this course have now been submitted to the Registrar and will be accessible to you as soon as they are uploaded by the Registrar’s Office. These grades were calculated based on the grades you received on the three pieces of written work that were required in this course as provided to me by the Teaching Assistants for this course.
Unfortunately, the TAs do not have records of every piece of written work for every student in this course because Professor Warren collected some of that written work to grade himself. I do not know whether he graded that work and he has not provided any grades he may have given.
Therefore, a number of students will find that the grade of “AR” is their current grade in this course. If the grade you see when you check your transcript is AR, PLEASE locate any graded written work that has been returned to you from this course (e.g. your midterm exam bluebook) and give it to Andy Zepeda, the undergraduate coordinator for Political Science, whose desk is located in the west wing of the 7th floor of the International Affairs Building.
I am currently in urgent consultation with several academic deans to determine how to assign final grades in POLS W3202 to students for whom we may be unable to retrieve complete academic records. Please be aware that a large number of people, including the Chair of Political Science, our Department Administrator, myself, and others from Columbia College and beyond are working to devise a solution to this problem that will be as fair and expeditious as possible under the circumstances.
David Johnston
Professor of Political Science and
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Political Science
Rogue in question via MSNBC
@Anonymous Love the explanation of the AR grade:
“Given to students as a temporary grade in circumstances when a student’s irregular academic behavior in class merits something other than grades A through F.”
Surely no professor would ever do anything wrong… I’m not in this class but I have had two or three things professors who did absolutely insane things (like skipping my oral exam, refuse to reschedule, give a zero) that I was either stuck with or had to fight tooth and nail for weeks to get resolved, with the heavy implication that to deny their rule by fiat was an act against was an affront against academic integrity (lots of “consumer mentality” and “corporatization of the university”). There doesn’t really seem to be any consequences, they’re all still here, don’t know if they got tenure.
@Anonymous If he were white, he would have been fired.
@Anonymous If he had published original scholarship, he would not have been fired.
@ok but has anybody heard anything from this guy at all? are we just guessing that he’s “gone rogue” because he hasn’t responded to attempts to contact him? do we know that he’s alive? is he OK?
@This, basically Is there any way of checking on this? If it’s not malice, but that something happened, that’d be terrible.
All those people itching to earn their bones as journalists, and no one thought to do some investigating on this.? (You too, Spec.)
@Anonymous He’s been on TV multiple times the past few weeks and is active on Twitter.
@Anonymous seriously, where’s the bwog article on these recently released texts? i can’t believe he wasn’t allowed to use them as exculpatory evidence in the admin hearing. and emma thinks the system is biased against *her*?
@hmmm People are turning every comment thread into a stream of rape accusations and counter accusations, professors are refusing to turn in grades… is it just me or is Columbia going certifiably crazy?
@hate to admit it, but bwog is getting more interesting this semester
@s Roosevelt club on campus loves this dude and all he does is suck a big black dick
@Christian Truelove So I took this class. Dorian Warren was denied tenure because of stunts like this. I’ve heard rumors of a lawsuit brewing because he didn’t fulfill his contractual obligations. I hope Columbia wins,
@Anonymous lol dorian was not denied tenure because of “stunts like this.” he was denied tenure for being outspoken in the media and deviating from the department’s bland and ubertraditional branch of political science and polisci methodology.
this ‘stunt’ is super lame and extraordinarily aggravating, but it is simply in response to being denied tenure. sucks that he took it out on students. nonetheless columbia is not about to sue him. sorry buddy
@Really? Do people know if he was actually denied tenure?
@Emma S.- October 3, 2012 I love you Paul. Where are you?!?!?!?!
@So you got a 200 on SAT CR ... NOT RELEVANT. Or are you incapable of reading what this Bwog post was about?
@Anon You’re in college and still talk about SAT scores? Grow up and move on.
@Anonymous He is being denied tenure exactly for actions like this and stunts he has pulled. This is inexcuseable. He should immediately be repremanded and discipled by the department head.
@just google him he’s hot!
@wow that’s such a shitty thing to do to hardworking students.
@Open Secret It’s because he was denied tenure.
@Anonymous Ya know… As big of a son of a bitch Dorian is, I respect this move. Total mogul.
@hmmm You (and those who favored your comment) respect a decision by a person who is angry at a group of people who have power over him, to take out his anger on a group of people over whom he has power and who have nothing to do with his grievance? Strange choice of something to respect.
@Anonymous And how does not posting a grade for labor and politics yet harm anyone? It’s not like a current/prospective employer or a graduate admissions department is dying to see that you understand the intricacies of labor’s role in American politics. Seriously, it’s a bullshit class, so stop being so sensitive. If you didn’t reduce the world to a series power dynamics, you’d be a lot less surly.
@Anonymous He did submit the grades weeks late last year when I took it too, but I guess being denied tenure made his disregard for punctuality even worse.
@Anonymous cp time.
@Anonymous Is this an onion article
@Anonymous actually? no.